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Posts posted by schmaydee

  1. karen....yeah i'm not writing very well....i have a hard time concentrating....and ive never been able to type.....no telling how much is jibberish (everyone please excuse).....usually when i correct it...it ends up worse..... ......s

  2. darrell,

    let me be nosey.... did you "stay the night" there... were they compassionate to you and your condition?...what did you think....

    when/if i get real bad i dont want to have my family and friends kill themselves trying to take of me.....thought i might run to one of those for the actually dying.... ...s

  3. karen......

    you know dave was the kinda guy that could look "pretty classy" in women's clothes!!!!! i think

    it was just "his noble bearing"...he could get by w/that (especially w/pumps)..hehehe...it'd be too big of an act to follow!!!!

    you dont wanna see me like that....since i've been on the decadron...i am in awe of how much food i can ingest and how ENORMOUS my belly is getting (i havent gained that much "weight")....but i am becoming ...."spherical"....the worst thing....i dont really care..... s

  4. everything's lookin' up....

    my ins plan will pay fat girls money to get bon-bons (if you talk to the right ins girl)..got my ride thing taken care of anyway!!!!

    ..everything looks like that eaton-lambert(eating lambert) thing to me....but you know how you cant judge youre own condition...

    it did start w/my very 1st pci treatment (numbness and nausea)....the radiologist gave me decadron and i was fine..(thats what they treat elms w/)...never could get off the dec even when i went into remissiom....couldnt figure out why... i'd get really nauseated everytime i'd try......hmmmmm

    Don....i prbly "averaged" 3mg/day for the last 1.5 yrs???? (is that a lot? .....or too long?)....i addressed that w/my onc and gp they didnt seen to worry about it....dont even want to do a bone density test...?????? who knows??????


  5. don....how cute....

    i wont shoot or eat anymore of 'em.... (just kidding)......unless i run outta insurance...

    .... karen yes i know..i would read what all was going on w/dave and would say "i'm glad i dont have that" (and i'm sorry he did)...but he answered and input (just about everytime i posted) and tried to help... i liked him.....


  6. ...there was sdianneb cant get her to write anymore...hope she's ok....

    ..some of childhood buddys have caught wind of it and have a plan in motion..(they come in from all-over)...last time i ended up BALD!!!!...

    the nurse said they might be able to send a PT to my crib and a girl to pull blood (that would be fantastic!!!!).

    i dont think a firecracker'd do it unless perfectly placed....might come closer w/a bunch of rockets (and i mean a beeeeg bunch).....

    i have to talk to 'em at bellsouth about the ins...my part of it has 1 girl you need to talk to...unless you get exactly the right person no tellin what will happen....


  7. duh...i'm such a goob! ..the "nets" was a local thing in texas... did do acs.... nothing jumped at me... i cant believe ins wont pay for it...gosh now's when i need it (oh well)...gonna have to "get busy" tomorrow.....

    ..it was so sad to read some of the stories on the forums there...breaks your heart....sure brings me back down to earth and helps me from feeling sorry for myself.....it can ALWAYS be a lot worse..... ....s


  8. yes.... i had written down ACS and NETS and fergot what it was (duh)...

    i have the best friends,family and co-workers in the world..they would do anything...but youre right cindy i am very independent and just couldnt ask anyone to do that... i prbly will have to be carried up the stairs.... i'm 6"4'/243lbs and getting "beeger" all the time (decadron)...

    ..i think i can still make it down the stairs and if my walker was there i could make it to the car and drive...no sense flippin' out just yet...i may not even have elms.....and who knows my onc might be able to give me something to get me abulatory again....

    gonna give acs & nets a call...thanks everyone for the posts this has help SO much!!!!


  9. i think the eaton-lambert thingy nails it......i have just about all of that....at least i'm gonna send what i've found on it to my GP and Onc....gratzi (all)....

    oh yeah! ....what in the world do you do if when you cant make it up the stairs anymore (to get to the Dr's etc) anymore?.....i know there are companies that do that.....my ins said they dont pay for "non-emergency" transportation....hmmmm...any ideas? .....s

  10. yes cindy i agree..

    ...my knees and legs are very cold to the touch i'm using a heating pad on my feet to kinda stimulate circulation (and i think its helping)...some......earlier tonight i couldnt hardly make it walking around the bed (while i was holding onto the bed)...i'll pretty much will have to get an ambulance or something (hopefully covered by insurance) to get me to the Dr/hosp (and back??????)...and a wheel chair to get around in my apt....or something?????

    ....5-15% chances of "peripheral neuropathy" is what my pharmacist buddy said about the effexor as well as osteo and muscular degeneration....the only reason i take 'em is/was to help me get off of the dacadron.

    back when i had my "first" remission...my onc didnt even scan my lower abdomen and wasnt going to scan again for another 2 months when i had a kidney stone (what fun!!!!)....and they found a 4-6 cm growth on my adrenal gland....wouldnt have been good to let that go another 2 months.

    i dont think he's worth much of a crap....but he's close ... and really does pretty good since we had our last "talk".

    the onc transfused me last wed and i feel better but the numbness is getting worse....

    what is also related to cancer that effects legs....mets to the brain and spine etc....thanks a lot c&r....

  11. ....i'm so sorry about your mom...

    ...hey!!! there aint nothing good about this... but what can you do?....there's gonna be some time left before she (you and i and everybody else) croaks .......just depends on what's done w/it..

    alot of the time they can get the sclc "in remission" and buy some time (time is precious from now on) cherish and make the most of all you have!!!

    .....some people actually get cured (i hope your mom is one)....and some (like myself) are incurable but treatable and live for quite a while...

    as a rule......i'd say.....do everything the onc's offer (if they dont offer anything...you have a prob!!!!)...ask about any treatment they offer here....somebody here has prbly had it.....

    and even though (i know)its really crappy...try to happy suck every bit life you (and your mom) can get in the time you have left..

    ...hope they get that stuff and she lives to be 200!!!!! ........s

  12. ...just got ned 1-2 weeks ago....... ..but now my legs have "gone to sleep" to where i can no longer walk!!!!! Ha!!!! ....they gave me a 2 unit tranfusion last wednesday (helped my energy level a bit) but the numbness seems to be getting worse....

    got an old bud who's a dr of pharmacy...he says there's a 5-15% chance of significant osteo/nuero damage that can be done by EFFEXOR....and i take lexapro (like just everybody else in the world) too....(crazy pills)..... and last but not least the Decadron...been taking that for 1-1.5 years 4mg/day.. ( i heard that it eats up some bone & thigh muscle etc).....nobody (Drs) seem to be worried that much about it...hmmm....?????

    just feels like my feet and legs have gone to sleep..ya know....when i try to walk i look like a spastic retard...no-big.....

    i dont care much about what i look like ....but i am concerned about being able to get around......

    thanks for any advise/info..


  13. Gratzi Ya'll,

    .....i've been lurking around trying to keep up w/everyone....i tolerated the chemo well....but chemo is chemo and i'm real weak now....Doc says 4-6 weeks and i'll feel pretty good.....

    hey! i'll take what i can get....if i dont get anymore than what i've already rec'd i'm happy w/that.....i've been very fortunate....i dont deserve it so it must be ya'll "prayin' me outta it" hehehehe..... many thanks .........s

  14. well.....got the results back today i'm ned again (yea!).....probably would have been clean after the 1st or 2nd round (i had 3 rounds).

    i really feel tired now and wasnt lookin' for a 4th round......this stuff kinda gets worse as you go...but all in all ....very easy to take and tolerate....(in my experience)

    it doesnt have the same result on everybody but it kicked the crap outta my 6X4 cm adrenal tumor....

    they will only give it to folks who have a single recurrance (i think)after being ned from the original tumor (if that makes sense).


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