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Posts posted by manningfour

  1. Im a very healthy non smoker and was told Thursday after having a 2cc mass removed from my lung......"Judy; Its cancer!" WHAT!!! I really thought I was still sleeping.....

    Now just waiting pathologist report to come back for plan of action. They are not sure exactly what type (which confusses me) Just get it OUT!!!!!....

    JocelynM; its stories like yours I need to hear. To show that I need to fight and stay strong. You are an inspiration to me. It will help with the wait this week for "the Call" to keep you in my thoughts that no matter I CAN AN WILL win this battle!!!!

    MUCH Love,

    Judy Manning

    mommy to Jace 8 and mommy to husband 47 :D

  2. Found out my NON smoking (EVER) body has lung Cancer On April 4th! I work out like 5 days a week which I love. I am so confussed as to what this is. They thought it could be from my Endometriosis. But the PET scan showed three tumors, one on leg, ovary and a 2cc on my lung and The possitive is the one on my lung is the only one that showed signs of cancer. The good news it EVERYTHING else from the PET scan showed no cancerous cells anywhere. They took half the lobe and I am waiting for results and am praying it IS lung cancer so it will be easily treated. I would only need the lymp nodes taken and the rest of the lobe removed. This week is the week I am waiting to hear back........so scared of what they will tell me. I have no real info other than "lets hope its lung cancer" Most of my answers are coming form this websit. I HAVE TO LIVE and I WILL. My 8 year old son and husband are a mess with out their mommy. I say mommy to both because I am the rock. PTA nieghborhood organizer etc.....also taking care of my husbands 86 year old mom which makes me a saint right there BELIEVE ME.....so glad I found this site to get CANCER support because as much care and love I am getting; No one can understand my fears. They keep saying OH you will be alright!!!! Thats great but I need friends that know how Im feeling. and stories of survival!!!!! Sad to be hear but happy to be amoung "family"!!!!

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