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Posts posted by msadam03

  1. I apologize if this is a breach of etiquette here at LC Survivors, but I'm looking for help.

    My brother recently underwent surgery for what turned out to be squamous cell lung cancer. The operation and recovery were rough, but the tumor didn't metastasize to the lymph nodes, so we breathed a sigh of relief.

    His doctors recommended chemotherapy. He was set to have his port installed this coming week, after enduring a colonscopy and various other procedures.

    He's supported himself with payments from disability, which are infrequent, and which often come late. He's juggling rent, co-pays, medications, and utilities. Despite a pristine history of 14 months as a tenant, his rental agency has initiated the process for eviction, as he is two weeks late this month on his rent. He's waiting for disability.

    This is not a solicitiation for financial assistance. This is a request for your signature on a petition to his rental agency, Boulder Creek Apartments of Jeffersontown, Kentucky, requesting their forbearance and understanding while my brother does his best to increase his chances of long-term survival. He has delivered to Boulder Creek a detailed letter containing information by which they can confirm every aspect of his condition, but they opted to ignore this entirely. I myself, while he was in surgery, delivered his rent to the agency and informed them of his condition. They are aware, but unsympathetic.

    Please: if you are able to sign and- importantly- share this petition, and request that others do the same, we might have a chance at preventing his eviction. I am a full-time engineering student, and have all the financial difficulties associated with being a student; otherwise, I'd pay his rent myself. This is literally the best I've been able to come up with.

    The petition is at change.org, and can be found at https://www.change.org/petitions/boulde ... e_petition

    Also, I'm certain that we aren't the only Americans going through something like this. If anyone reading this knows of any resources that might be of help to my brother, please reply.

    Thank you so much for your time.

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