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Posts posted by phyllynj

  1. hello all. was diagnosed with sclc . had biopsy nov 7 . inconclusive. another one in dec. started chemo dec 10th. had port placed dec 15th, yup after first round. did 30 rad tmts. just finished round 3 of chemo had pet scan last Saturday waiting to see the oncologist Friday. I've been stressed and depressed. I wasn't told about the mortality rate until just a couple of weeks ago. chemo has been tough on me. many lousy side effects. I need emotional support. im divorced many years. my BF I believe has packed up mentally and moved on. my adult sons are beside themselves with grief. I have so many questions and no answers. I lost over 1oo pounds 3 yrs ago with hard work, diet and exercise. I was running 5 miles a day with my do , lifting weights, riding an exercise bike 7 days a week. I noticed I was short of breath that got worse as the weeks wore on. got a cold. went to the dr and had a chest xray. my life has not been the same since. I was working 3 jobs and very active to basically laying in bed . depressed every day.

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