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Posts posted by kathmy

  1. Hi Katie, her counts go up and down with shots....today she had another blood test and the numbers were borderline...wbc 4200, neutrophils 1400, hct 28, rbc 2,9 so I'm worried that they will tell me to give her both eprex and neupogen shots which we haven't done as yet and I don't know if the one will make the other side effects worse. We are very happy that the bone scan was clean and that the tumors are shrinking but the side effects are just so had for her. She asks me everyday if it's worth it and I smile and say yes and then go home and cry and wonder....hate this disease...

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  2. Hi all, have a question that I can't find an answer to...my mom has what we are hoping is limited sclc. So far has done three rounds of cis and etopside ...we haven't done her bone scan because she was too sick to make the three appts we had and our dr did not want to wait to start treatment...my problem is is her wbc is 2600 and we are scheduled to do the scan on Thursday....is it dangerous to get the dye shot into her with low counts? Dr says no...tech isn't so sure.... I hate that I can never get a straight answer...any experience with this? Thanks for being there....Kathy

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  3. Hi Debbie, I'm sorry to have to meet you here but I am a care giver to my mom who also has sclc. I'm amazed that you say you drive yourself and do all those things while on the chemo and RT. My mom can barely get out of bed for most of the time in between rounds...could you tell me what chemo you are doing? Also you said you started RT now ...my moms drs are telling her to start after her fourth round but from everything I've read they say to do it after round one....did your drs say why they are doing it now? Sorry to bombard but I feel so helpless and get no answers from my oncologist....thank you and best wishes for a full recovery...

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  4. Hi Donna!

    Unfortunately we don't have really anyone to stay with. I sleep on a chair next to her in the hospital (I know strange but since the public hospitals are so understaffed here they can't possibly help all the patients at night so they let a family member stay to help). I lay up at night worrying and so scared she won't be strong enough to go through the next round...she is tired all the time and I don't know how to help keep her spirits up. I've been reading her some of the success stories on here hoping to give her a ray of light.... Thanks for your reply :)


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  5. Hi, have been lurking for a while, And decided to come out into the open. My 74 year old mom was diagnosed end of February with Limited (we think...still have not done the bone scan) SCLC. We live in Greece on an island which has been a very stressful situation because we are 2 1/2 hours away from the hospital and drs. Unfortunately her first bronchoscopy biopsy done on 12/23 came back negative across the board (Washings, etc) I say unfortunately because we lost two months of therapy with that setback, so we were in limbo for a month and a half till we did another one with Needle aspiration which came back positive. The tumor in the first ct scan was 2 1/2 cm and had grown to over 4 in the two month period. Her head and liver scans are negative so far.

    She did the first 3 day chemo cisplatin/etoposide on 3/11. It went pretty well apart from the first day which was a 15 hour drip....I really thought it would never end. Took the nausea medicine proactively so she really only got nausea the fourth day when we stopped it. Ran a low grade fever for one day which went up and down by itself. Then on her second week blood tests her WBC was very low so we started with filgrastim. That gave her cold sweats and major bone pain which was scary... And today she was running a low grade fever again...her hair is falling out in clumps and I don't know where to start looking for wigs......My biggest problem and I have read many others is the not knowing part..plus since she is so fatigued I can't imagine how she is going to do another five times of the chemo. That and the fact that here we are in a public hospital and I really don't have dr support...especially at night and at the weekend which of course is when you need it the most. I'm grateful for this site because at least some of my questions have been answered here. Hopefully this week's chemo will not make her worse. Thanks for listening....Kathy

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