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  1. Latest update: Brain scan showed no abnormalities and I have tested negative for all mutations...Lucky me. I also got my 2nd opinion from CTCA and they concur that Chemo is the way forward. I'm still not convinced. The side effects of this treatment are so heinous that the statistics of those related to death are more frightening than the disease itself. I'm not interested in being a hero or treatment vigilante, however the stats of recurrent cancer and other potential causes of death give me pause. I have 2 more consultations scheduled for next week with different providers of care and then I'll take some time to weigh the options. Recommendations from CTCA: IV Carboplatin, Avastin and Taxol. 4 rounds. Once every three weeks. (7-8hr session). Sounds like a party ...
  2. Hi, My name is Joe and I was just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma lung primary last week, allegedly Stage 3. Had a CT scan that showed 2 lesions in the lower lobe of left lung as well as 3 swollen lymph nodes in the chest. After a biopsy of the furthest lymph node from the lung lesions (upper right chest), malignancy was confirmed. Just had a PET scan that showed lesions in my left iliac (hip bone) and this morning I am going in for a biopsy of that area as well. Clearly, there's metastatic activity. I'm really upset. I'm a divorced father of 2 young tween daughters, 13 & 11. My ex-spouse and I just told my daughters the situation and I am having difficulty with extreme sadness over their reactions. I am seeking alternatives to chemo and radiation as I don't want to be poisoned and burned. I did speak to my Naturopath who confirmed that there are holistic treatments that can treat this issue with higher success rates than the allopathic approaches. When I spoke to an oncologist and I minted alternatives, he gave me the answers I expected. He dismissed every other potential treatment as 'unproven' and that the slash, poison and burn approach was the only way. I've done a bit of research and the numbers for these treatments are not exactly encouraging. I'm not expecting a full on cure, though 97% recurrence rates are not comforting especially if I have to suffer greatly under these treatments. It's all confusing and even after a week, I am so damn tired of talking about cancer. I feel like it's permeated throughout my every day life. Of course I understand that it's still new and letting people know what's going on is only going to kick up unsolicited advice. I'm not sure what I am seeking on this forum, but I do know that I live with my thoughts and fears without expressing them fully to others. I seem to be the one consoling everyone else and as I said, I am tired of talking about it all.
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