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Posts posted by cindykdee

  1. Tom thank you for your response.  My pulmonologist met with my thoracic surgeon.  they also met within a board meeting of doctors to review my case.  This board including my doctors feel that in order to get a definitive diagnosis, they would have to remove the lobe with the nodule in it.  They feel I could be in stage 3 cancer because my lymph nodes in thoracic region are also enlarged.  I do have a call into an oncologist. 

  2. I had a lung xray in july which showed some enlarged lymph nodes in the trachea area and a spiculated nodule in my lower left lung.  They send me to a pulmonologist and I had a CT scan which basically said the same info.  I then had a High resolution CT scan, same thing.  I agreed to a broncoscopy in which they took a biopsy of the lymph nodes and of the nodule..  The pathology came up negative for cancer.  The doctor seems to think its a false negative so I agreed to a PET scan.  The same spots were highlighted.  It November by this time.  I then agreed to a Mediastinoscopy in which they took bigger chunks of the lymph nodes. All came up negative for cancer.  so now they want to do a lobectomy and remove 1/4 of my lung just to be safe.  No one has told me I have cancer.  Why would I do this???? Has anyone had the same situation.  The doctor telling me I could have a short time to live if I don't do this.

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