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  1. I hardly know where to begin with this. First of all, I would like to make it clear that Judy is, in no way, in the clear. I know that things could change at any moment but I'll share some of the highlights of the past 2 yrs. I started her on a mushroom compound called M/R/S from Pure Encapsulations. It is the Maitake, Reishi and Shiitake mushroom. Throughout her entire Camptosar chemo treatments, her counts never dropped. Her oncologist referred to her as a miracle. He said "I hit you with everything I had and you took it like no other patient ever has." She also is taking a product called LiverProtec from Montiff. Grapeseed extract to help with neuropathy, etc; Vit C; GB-3 & Endopan(can only be bought through nutritionist) for detoxification; 5 vita zyme 3 times/day (digestive enzymes); calcium/magnesium; 2000 mg vit D; Ave(very expensive but is suppose to help stop metastasis-info on Internet); beta glucan; taurine (3000mg/day). For the brain lesions we used alpha lipoic acid because it is an antioxidant that crosses the blood/brain barrier. I began taking her to a nutritionist about 6 months ago for added protection. I would highly recommend that to anyone. Chemo & radiation has no doubt helped to save her life, but she needed more. You can't destroy healthy cells & then expect a cancer patient to just miraculously have a healthy immune system. We create approx. 30-40 millions cancer cells daily but a healthy immune system destroys them. Her latest chemo was carboplatin and etoposide & towards the end, she did begin to experience problems with her counts but nothing too severe. Again, I want to stess that this, so far, has been helping us. I highly recommend contacting a nutritionist who specializes in cancer. Dr. Ralph Moss has written a brilliant article on cancer treatments and vitamins in which he cites amazing studies which prove that most vitamins/antioxidants do not interfere. In closing, I want to tell you the most important therapy of all - Judy, along with so many others, prays constantly and concentrates on the scriptures about healing. She has a very strong faith in God and is constantly reminding her devastated family members that "in the end, it is up to God and I rest in that."
  2. My sister, Judy, rec'd her PET scan results. Just a small nodule remains and she will receive radiation. I feel that this is very good news, since she is NED everywhere else. She has had 3 brain scans, which remain clean. The doctor's appear to be shocked at this because they originally told her that their only hope was to stabilize her. I truly believe that the nutrition is playing a vital role in all of this. It is so sad that more research is not being done to integrate mainstream medical with alternative treatments. When given a diagnosis of sclc, it amazes me that more people won't go "outside the box" for help.
  3. Can someone please tell me about this experimental drug for sclc. I have read in the chatrooms about people using this drug but I can't find it on the Internet. Someone said that they are in a clinical trial in Tennessee(Minnie Pearl clinic?)I would greatly appreciate any information.
  4. Hi Don, Wonderful story! My sister was dxed with sclc july 2004 and it has been a battle. I'll tell you what has never been a battle, though, and that is her counts. She has never needed one shot for her counts. Her onc. said that he never had a patient take the platinum like she did. He is against vitamins and would never ask her what she was doing. She is taking a mushroom complex for her white count, folic acid/b12 and iron for her red counts. She is taking multi vitamins, probiotics and digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are a must for cancer patients. You know what amazes me - doctors will prescirbe ensure or boost because you need the vitamins and then say that they don't prescirbe vitamins because they aren't sure if it will interfere with the chemo. That makes no sense whatsoever. The problem is that doctors are conditioned by the textbooks and universities that they are taught from, which are funded by the pharmaceutical companies. It is such a scam and such a shame. I have never in my life seen an oncologist like my sisters, try harder to save a person's life by killing them. He destroys their immune system and then does nothing to build it back up and then warns them to stay away from vitamins. The first thing my sister's onc. does is check her counts before chemo, therefore, good counts are imperative. We have saved my sister's insurance company thousands and thousands of dollars by keeping her counts elevated naturally, and we can't get even a small portion reimbursed to her, yet, they would not blink an eye at Procrit or Neulesta at approx. $5,000/shot. I think nutrition is an absolute must for any cancer patient. I wish you all the best and may you forever feel the Hand of God upon you. Lynne
  5. Lynne123


    My sister is going to be going on a fairly new drug called Temador. Has anyone been on it. If so, what side effects did you experience. My sister was dxed with sclc July 2004. 7 lesions to the brain were discovered in June 2005. She received whole brain radiation, which reduced her lesions to 4. Then she received the Gamma Knife to zap that other 4. Her oncologist is getting ready to put her on Temador and I was wondering if anyone else has been on this oral chemo. Lynne
  6. My sister was dxed with limited sclc July 2004. In June 2005, she was dxed with 7 brain lesions. She received WBR and now has 3 lesions. She will receive the gamma knife next week. Her radiologist and neurologist basically told her that they will never get rid of these lesions and that if she remains stable, that's great and if they shrink, they've hit a homerun. Has anyone with brain lesions every gotten rid of them completely. What kind of feedback have you received from your doctors. Her doctors seemed cautiously optimistic but the very fact that they said her lesions will never completely go away, has all of us very worried. I would appreciate any information that anyone can give us.
  7. My sister was dxed with sclc in July 2004. She received Camptosar and Radiation. Her cancer was dxed very early. The problem is that now that she's finished her chemo, she has tingling down her arm, pain and burning around her bra line, ringing in the ears, etc. Is this normal. I know that Camptosar is laced with cisplatin(platinum) which causes the ringing in the ears but is it normal to have this burning sensation around her bra line and down her arm. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  8. My sister has limited stage sclc. The doctors are very hopeful. She recevied Camptosar/radiation combo treatments and has done amazingly well. The problem is that now that her chemo has ended, she seems to be experiencing more side effects than when she was getting the treatments. She is experiencing ringing in the ears and tingling in her feet and hands. I know this is from the cisplatin(platinum) in her chemo but can anyone tell me how long she can expect this to go on. The doctor told her that this will pass but has anyone experienced these side effects and for how long after their treatment ended.
  9. My sister was dxed with sclc in July. Limited stage. She completed her treatments without any problems. The doctors were absolutely stunned at how well she did. Anyway, now she is starting to experience tingling in her body, her hair has fallen out, somewhat, and she has ringing in the ears. None of this occurred during her treatments. Her treatments ended in November. Has anyone experienced this problem and for how long. I know it is from the terribly strong chemo which is laced with platinum but how long with these side effects last.
  10. I have limited stage smlc and received Camptosar/radiation combo. I have complete my treatments and am now experiencing ringing in my ears and tingling in my hands and feet. Has anyone experienced these side effects and if so, for how long. Also, PCI was given to me as an option. My oncologist does not recommend it. Any suggestions. I'm torn. My cancer was found very early and responded extremely well to the chemo/radiation. I don't know which route to take. Thank you.
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