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Posts posted by Bart

  1. I had surgury they removed my top right love of my lung. Surgury was about 3 weeks ago. The surgeon is sure she got it all and gave me a clean bill of health. In 2 weeks they want to do 4 rounds of chemo every three weeks. The nurse we talked to made chemo sound freighting. I'm not sure how or what to feel. The surgury went very well and I'm home able to do the things I pretty much did before surgury. Thankyou for the support it was a big help in giving me peace.

  2. Eric I'm so glad you are well also your words of encouragement are so much appreciated. After today's visit with the Doctor things look good too go. They say I'm stage1b they want me to be as healthy as I can get. Surgery looks like mid April. I'm so inspired by your words of engcouragent help to make me stronger. Thankyou so much for the reply.

  3. Tom Thankyou so much for the wonderful advice. You have saved from making a very dumb decision. The doctors at the vets hospital plan surgery in the next 2 weeks. They want me to be as healthy as possible. I feel very good both mentally and physically. I'm am prepared to beat this thing. It is great to find a group that has been through this stuff. I feel even more encouraged with your kind words and wisdom. I will keep you posted on how Monday goes. Thankyou again Rick

  4. Hi all my name is Bart I was recently told I have stage 2a lung cancer. I'm a vet so the va is taking care of me. They are planning surgury in the next few weeks. I had heart surgury about 5 years ago. My heart is fine I'm pretty sure. My primary care doctor says this is curable and treatable because they caught it early. At this time it has not spred. I'm not really scared but concerned about surgury and chemo. I've read and seen awful things about chemo. I talk to the doctors on Monday. Has anyone decided to not have treatment and let our amune system fight it? I'm waying my options. I'm 66 any input would so helpful.

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