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Posts posted by walzja

  1. My mom has NSCLC and has slipped into a depression. She is on anti-depressants, but they are not helping. It seems to be something that she just can't overcome. She is losing all hope and I know that a positive thought process throughout the battle with cancer is possibly something that can help you overcome it. I just want her to be as positive as possible. I know she has been through SO much and I don't want to appear insensitive, but I want to push her back into a positive thought process. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am willing to try anything at this point. Jackie

  2. My mom got diagnosed with Stage III NSCLC in April 2004. She has gone through both radiation and chemo, extensive amounts of both at the same time. She went through hell as we sat by her side having to just watch it happen. It tore our hearts apart. We are a very close family and our mom is the glue that holds it all together. She is done with all treatment and her first 2 scans came back OK, but now she has the original pain back in her chest and back so she had scans done last Thursday (right before Christmas, OH JOY) and we are not so patiently waiting for the results. She is in an extreme depression and my sister & I are at our wits end as to what to do to help her find hope again. It is like she is giving up and there is nothing we can do. We do have her on anti-depressants, but it seems to be much deeper than that and they don't seem to be helping at all. We are desperate and are looking for any suggestions on what to do to help her find hope again. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I love my mom more than anything in the world and I am not ready to lose her. If the scans come back normal that is going to be phenomenal, but we still are going to need help with her mental state so I am coming to this site to see if there is any help out there. Any help/comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Jackie

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