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Posts posted by Nicky

  1. When I first dicovered this site in about January I couldn't bring myself to visit this particular board... and I find it hard to believe that this is now the appropriate place for me to be posting.

    My family lost my dad on 24th April, much sooner than we feared. He fought with incredible courage and dignity until the end. There is not much comfort to find in losing someone so young and so good but I can at least be grateful that we were all with him at the end and that I spent as much time as I did with him in his last months.

    People say that it will hurt less with time but I hate the way time is already marching on regardless of the enormity of what has happened, and that it's already nearly 2 months since I saw my dad. The thought that years will pass without seeing him again is hard to bear.

    I don't visit this site as often as I used to but I do drop by and I think of you often. This place was a great source of support, information and hope and I'd like to thank you all for that. Keep up the good fight, you all deserve to win.

  2. Hi Citrinette

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm in a similar situation - my dad was diagnosed in October with non-operable NSCLC, and I'm living in Australia while he's in Ireland. it's hard being so far away and I plan to head back there as often as I can. I went back after he was diagnosed. of course my parents told me there was no need for me to go back, but once i made my mind up to go they were pleased and the trip helped me a lot because I had felt so isolated over here.

    If you are in a position to take a trip home then it might be good for you and your family, but if you can't at least it's comforting for you to know that your sister is there.

    don't lose heart - you'll see a lot of people on this site bucking the statistics and surviving a long time with advanced LC.


  3. Hi all

    thanks again for your responses. Dad has written to the consultant at the hospital asking some questions which he did not get a chance to ask at his last appointment. At that appointment for his fourth round of chemo the doctor he saw indicated that he would have a review appointment in about 2 months time. that doesn't seem right to us - surely they should do a scan at the end too to see whether any more progress has been made??? hopefully the doctor will contact him soon and give him some more idea about what to expect next and we'll see if he is considering radiation ( which a number of you have suggested), and if not, why not.

    I agree with you Ella and Karen that it sounds as if my dad would be able to get better care in the US and they seem to be further ahead with new treatments over there with you (they are only starting trials with Tarceva now in the UK). unfortunately the cost would rule out the option of travelling to the US for treatment, but we are keeping a look out for suitable trials going on in the UK too.

    hope you're all going Ok,


  4. Hi all

    I've been visiting this site for a while and have decided it's finally time to come out into the open.

    I'm here because my dad got diagnosed with NSCLC in October '04. We don't know what stage it's at but I do know that he has a tumour in the top right of his lung which is 2 or 3 inches (I guess between about 5 and 7 cm) and that it has also spread to the lymph nodes in the area. The doctors recommended 4 rounds of chemo and Dad just had the fourth round yesterday. Not long after his third round he had a scan (well before Christmas) but he just got the results yesterday when he went in for the last session of the chemo.

    We're disheartened that the scan only showed slight shrinkage of the tumour. we're still hopeful that the 4th session of chemo will shrink it a lot more, but we don't really know what to expect next because my parents live in Northern Ireland where the National Health System is so under resourced that he never gets to see the same doctor twice and his appointments are always so rushed that he doesn't get given much information.

    So i'm turning to you to see what other people's experiences have been. is it "normal" for there to only be a slight shrinkage after three quarters of the course of chemo, and could the fourth session still make a big difference? what will the options be if the tumour still hasn't shrunk much after the last session? my dad is 61, is quite fit and has handled the chemo well.

    I hope you don't mind my questions but i'd love to be able to tell my dad a bit more, and hopefully to show him that there's still hope yet.

    thanks, and see you around!


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