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Posts posted by ry.nehring

  1. Hi Donna, thanks for your support during this extremely tough time. Our family lives in northern Minnesota, so chemo will be done in Virginia. His oncologist is in Duluth at St. Mary's. We're kind of in information limbo right now until he has the MRI next week and gets a treatment schedule. I will keep you updated as information comes in.

  2. Hi everybody, my dad had a biopsy done and found out today that he has squamous cell nsclc. He's about to turn 66 and has been smoking for years. He has signs of emphysema and COPD. The MRI showed a spot on his lung and liver, but only the liver had the biopsy because the surgeon worried about collapsing his lung with a lung biopsy. My dad is a very private person and likes to "protect" my sisters and I from bad news. He's having an MRI done next Wednesday to see if it spread to his brain. According to him, he will have chemo every 14 days. He said they didn't give him a "stage" of his cancer. My sisters and I are suspicious that he's withholding information from us. I've read a lot of articles on www.verywell.com regarding this diagnosis and have to come to learn it may be stage 4 due to the fact that it spread to his liver. Is there anyone who could help me out and possibly fill in the blanks? Thank you!

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