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Posts posted by Pawsitive

  1. Hello all.  My other half received confirmation of malignant lung cancer on Feb. 3 of this year.  So far, he has had 2 chemo treatments, which were learning "adventures" for the both of us.  We saw the radiology oncologist today, who has radiation treatments set up now.  Up to this point, no on had told us what stage he is in until I point blank asked her today.  She said Stage IV, but only because the cancer has metastasized to his shoulder, which is how this whole thing got started.  She said the tumors in just one area of his lung are very small and may be the reason cancer did not show up on Xray last May.  She did not sound positive in the least and I was hysterically crying most of the time.  I guess I'm not understanding why the Stage IV diagnosis if the tumors in the lung are small.  She did say that the one in his shoulder is very big.  He also has some spots on the back of his ribs, which explains the pain he's been experiencing there.  Oddly enough, that pain did not start until around January, but the shoulder pain started around mid-October.  His primary care had been treating him with arthritis Rx.  The tumor on his shoulder was discovered by a chiropractor.  I had googled shoulder pain and lung cancer popped up.  When that happened I had no idea that would actually turn out to be the case.  Oncologist has advised not to pay attention to stats, as the ones we are seeing today began years back and we have to go forward from now.  He also said after,we saw him after the 2nd CT prior to any treatment, that he was NOT ready to tell him to get affairs in order.  Maybe it's just me, but I took that as a sign of hope.  We both have very strong faith.


    Guess I am just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.  I feel we need to get a second opinion, where radiology is concerned.  But I am so scared and nervous and I have to work full time.  He is only 58.  Both of his parents died of cancer.  I have never been this closely involved with anyone with cancer so I need all the help I can get.


    Thank you and God bless you all.









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