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Posts posted by Valery

  1. My beautiful mom who is 59 years old was diagnosed with lung cancer in December 2004. The cancer has spread to her brain. We (my dad and the rest of the family) are very new to all the emotions, the reality of it. I cannot even imagine how it feels to be in moms shoes. She is a strong lady and seems to be taking it like a trooper. She is currently going through 25 days of radiation therapy on her brain. She had 3 days of chemo, which she has to have every 28 days for her lung. She has lost a total of 76 lbs. and continues to lose, despite her efforts. The Drs. will probably put her on meds for this as well. The radiation treatments are surely taking their toll on her. I am certain it will get better though. I try to make sure her outlook is very optimistic as well. She has always been my rock now its my turn to be hers. Thank you for being here. I heard about this website from a family member. She was right it is great!!!


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