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Posts posted by Bigdnsm

  1. Hi Mythreegirls - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. This journey is hard. In Nov. 2016 my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCLC (adenocarcinoma) and also has the BRAF V600E mutation. She was started on Taf/Mek in mid-December 2016 and took it for about 2 months. She seemed to be doing great on the meds - no obvious side effects - but suddenly her cough seemed worse and she was wheezing. When she went in for her 8 week check-up (early March) it was discovered that the Mekinist had given her a potentially fatal side effect - pleural effusion - so she had to permanently discontinue the drugs. Her cancer also spread during that time from the right lung to the left lung. She had to take 3 weeks of high-dose steroids to get rid of the pleural effusion (no cancer treatment during that time - aargh!) and then she started traditional IV chemo (Carboplatin and Pemetrexid) about 5 weeks ago, and is doing great so far. How is your mom doing on the Taf/Mek??

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