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Posts posted by peggyoh

  1. Wow, it took me 15 minutes to get to someplace to post. This forum is very complicated.

    Husband is now in 5th week of chemo and radition for inoperable lung cancer. I said that on a post someplace. He is having severe diahrehia (sp? you know very loose bowels). Diet does not seem to help.

    By the way, doc said tumor had gotten smaller. Unfortunately, husband has gotten much, much weaker. Is this a side effect of Radiation or chemo?

    Please send help to pegmih@hotmail.com

  2. My husband is in 4th week of radiation 5x week and chemo 1x week.

    He is getting very angry with me and yells a lot. It makes me cry. I have been with him thru 3 surgeries in the last 4 months, drive him to all appointments. Push him in his wheel chair and/or bring his walker to him. Yesterday I requested info from doc about diet since he has severe diahrea (sp?). I don't expect a lot a gratitude, but then I don't like being treated like ?????

    I wish I could just up and leave. Sorry about that.

  3. Peggy/Margaret

    Yes I am also a Margaret. A good ole Irish name.

    I can't seem to find the place to enter my profile. I saw signature once and didn't put in anything. Where is it? You said at top of page. Can't find it.

  4. After only 1 day, I like this forum and have gotten some good information. I'm still figuring out some of it. For instance do I just keep "replying"?

    I am discovering the same thing that I found on my hip forum last year. Members are soooo young. Is it because lung cancer is striking earlier now, or because seniors tend to not use computers? Probably the latter.

  5. To Maryanne.

    Last December husband was hospitalized for 2 weeks with fluid on the lungs which was drained by tubes. Lots of tests were taken and that is when they saw an "abcess".

    He had major lung surgery on 1/25/05 to remove the "abcess" but they found a tumor on a vein leading into his heart. It had invaded the area around the heart. Some stuff was cleaned out of his lower left lobe, but the tumor was inoperable.

    Staples (nearly 50) will be removed next Thursday and a program of chemo and radiation set up.

    It is over an hours drive to cancer center. Does anyone know of a service to drive back and forth? I really need my job for the good insurance. Does Medicare pay for this kind of stuff? We are over 65.

  6. Thank you to the people who replied to my very first post. Gee, that was quick. Now I know what I will be doing in the evening. After watching the tapes of my favorite soaps.

    Yep. I will have a lot of questions. So far I have not asked what stage my husband is in. I've done the research. I don't think he knows there are stages. He does not use computers but gets me a new one every few years.

    I hope I can figure out how to post again. Watch for me. I'll be back!

    Take a look at my home page http://www.geocities.com/pegmih

    No, I'm not selling anything.

  7. I don't have a clue as to how to post here. I have used a Hip forum for over year so I guess I can learn. I had TLHR 11-03 and recovered well.

    My husband had lung surgery a week ago. There was a malignant tumor on a vein from lower left lobe to his heart and into part of the heart. Not able to remove because it would in their words "cause a blood bath"

    I have read lots of postings here but nothing like this. It sure does not sound good to me. He will start radiation and chemo when surgeon says o.k. Mayby 2/14. He looks like a concentration camp survivor and can hardly walk. I encourage him to excercise his arms and legs. But I'm just a nagging wife!

    I have had all forms of skin cancer including the dread melanoma and kind of understand the mental turmoil of being told you have cancer.

    A reply would be appreciated just to know I did this right. Thank you.

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