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Posts posted by Sharae

  1. Hi, my name is Sharae and my uncle is 74 years old and has lung cancer and bladder cancer. 20 years ago, he had lung cancer and received treatment. 12 years ago, he suffered from prostate cancer. He had a brain tumor a year ago and it was benign. He recently started chemo and next week will be his second dose. He is a strong man and a fighter. He complains about pain in his legs and arms. I am tr4ying to stay strong but I lost my father a year ago due to a heart attack. His hair is falling out. I have so many questions. The doctors are trying to push the top of the line medication but he cannot afford it. In my opinion, I have researched side effects of each medication they discuss. At times, I feel so helpless. I am trying to make his life as happy as possible. He loves hanging with my 2 younger sons. What more can I do? I feel as though every time we turn around they are recommending another drug...this one is for prevention of the white blood count: Neupogen, Granix or Neulasta. Thank you for all your help and support. Prayers are with you all. 

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