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Posts posted by icu2

  1. I am so sorry for your lost and if there is anything we can do to help you please let us know. I am sure you are right she is having a good time and looking down on you. Stay strong and we are here if you need us.

  2. Hello everyone! I hope all is well or at lease you are doing ok today. The reason I am posting is because my sister who has SCLC and is in treatment now again is feeling very bad and very tired.

    When I ask her what it feels like she says its very hard to discribe. Like and out of body thing or something does anyone eles feel like this?

    I wish there was a way to make her feel better. She is a strong women as I know anyone going through this is and there family but maybe you can share how you are feeling she is having radation everyday and she is tired.

    What kind of things are you guys doing to keep busy and make yourself feel better?

    How do you find it in yourself to keep going? Other ways then with Gods help because I know he is there I mean tricks or something.

    I am thinking of all of you guys everyday.



  3. Hello everyone I hope all is well.I am still trying to find the best help for my sister and I was told today that this cancer center is VERY good it is in Boston and that Dr Bruce Johnson is the best for her kind of cancer anyone know of this place and is it as good as I have heard. If you have been there please let me know. I am so looking for the help my sister needs and the help all of you guys need.

    If you know of another place let me know please she means the world to me and I need her with me and her family and friends. Well I will think of all of you tonight.

    thank you

  4. my sister is not doing so well today she feels lost and scared and mad and so many other things. Its hard to say that things are going to be ok because I dont know that but I know that its 2005 and there are some good treatments and new drugs out there. If you are extensive and are still doing well or at lease still trying to fight the good fight please let me know she needs to see that you guys are out there.Please also tell me why you are fighting if you are extensive so I can let her know because she needs help and a reason to keep fighting. She is strong and I know that she will find her way but a little help from you would mean the world to me. she is young 42 so if your able to help me help her then I would be greatful I am thinking of you all in your time of need and hope that you are doing the best that you can. thank you.

  5. I have never used this board before but my sister who means the world to me has LCSC and we thought things were better but just like a strom we now find that she has gone from limted to extenive and we are dealing or trying. She is young and they just found 2 mets in her head and in her ovaries they are pretty big but the same size in each all her doctors have never seen this before and i am wondering if this has happened to any one eles. If any one is from the Maryland area and recomend me a doctor the very best only for my sister.And does anyone know of a place better then the USA for treatment. I would take her any where in the world. I hope that anyone that reads mine post is doing well and if you are not i hope that you are you doing the things that make you happy. PLEASE I really need help and i hope that someone here can give me some advice. I don't know how she feels but I know how I feel and its very hard.thank you

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