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Posts posted by moto

  1. When I moved back home from Canada over two years ago to be closer to my biological family I had no idea what the universe had planned for me and my family - certainly not the surprise that we received on March 15, 2004 when I was diagnosed at age 38 with non-small cell lung cancer with metastisies to the spine. At that point my only symptom was some back pain which i thought was from sleeping on an old mattress. My health had actually never been better I thought, so the shock was even greater when my GP told me. He referred me to my current doc who as it turned out is someone I went to grade school with and hadnèt seen for over twenty years. He is a great oncologist and I have been very happy with his care and the nursing care at Chester County cancer centre. In the past year I have undergone two rounds of radiation therapy for my spine and I am just starting my fourth chemo protocol. My chronic pain from the spinal metastisies is being managed with pain meds and steroids (the steroids have in turn blown me up like a balloon, gaining twenty pounds in less than a month ) and beyond some nausea,vomiting,nueropathy and hairloss I have been fairly fortunate when it comes to having minimal side effects. For the first time since my diagnosis I am getting a second opinion from Fox Chase Hospital in Philly. I do not feel a real urgency yet to have alternative choices for treatment but I thought it was a good time to get a new perspective on what my tests and films have to say.

    My biggest challenge these days I find is dealing with being on long term disability and having so much control taken away from me in terms of my finances and future plans. It is hard to see beyond the present day to day survival to making plans for a new beginning in the future. I do not really feel like I have a future at the present and that is scary. I feel like I need to find a future for myself if i am to fight and survive this unwanted house guest called cancer. I havent been able to talk to many people who are going through what I am going through, which is why i have come to this site. I hope to find some emotional support and some new perspectives. I hope to be able to share my own experience too and to hopefully help support others like myself. I will look forward to hearing from others and opening up this world of support which I know is out there.

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