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Posts posted by bmaugeri

  1. Ive been reading for a day all of your stories. Mine is just beggining.

    I have had 5 ccestions, and a hysterectomy gone wild all on the same incison. The incision was infected, and I was left with terrible pain for the past 4yrs.

    LAst July my pain changed and went up under my ribs. I complained but was just givin different pain meds.

    Over the past few months my pain has been awful and IM very tired. LAst week I started to get chest pain, and went to the ER. After a chest Xray I was sent to my Primary Dr to get a CT Scan of my abdomin and CHest.

    THere are marked changes in my lungs. Im 40 and a 20yr smoker. I have a cough and im bringing up blood sometimes. I also feel like Im sleeping on a pea when I sleep on my back and the rib pain is awful.

    My Dr told me "It doesnt look good" ANd today (Monday when I go to pick up my referrals well talk more.

    Ive been loosing weight steady for the past few months.

    Im really in shock. I cant cry yet, Im just not really beleiving it.

    Im lucky Im close to Jefferson and Univeersit of Penn and IM deciding witch one to call today, regaurdless of who my Dr reccomends. I think I should get the most aggressive and best Drs I can find.

    I love reading your posts although not many tell about how they found out.

    I have a wonderful hubby who has already been through so much with me, and he is scared t death, I think because its really sunk in with him andnot me. Hes the kindest most wonderful man Ive ever known after 20yrs our affair has not fissled one bit. He will be my rock but I also worry about him.

    Love And Light to you all.

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