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Posts posted by sealbeachjim

  1. Hi Everybody.

    I am not really pushing anything. Nobody pays me. I wrote my web page to help people like myself. I was looking for help and it was very hard to find at the time.

    I looked on www.cancer.gov only to find the treatment for recurrent small-cell was "Chemo to reduce pain." That is precious little consolation.

    I have looked in countless posts on many sites and find very little information about (let's call it)"Complimentary" Medicine. The term "Alternative" seems to have a stigma attached to it.

    If you read my story at www.survivingsmallcell.com , then you have some idea of the frustration I experienced trying to keep my treatment on track. I shouldn't have had to do that.

    In addition, I found that my oncologist wasn't "leveling" with me. He knew that fighting recurrent small-cell with low level chemo (really the only possibility) would certainly NOT have a positive outcome. Yet, he was perfectly willing to "maintain" me right out of existence.

    My personal mission is to try to put something back for my very good fortune and try to help other people when I can. I do not advocate "ditching" conventional medicine in favor of Alternative medicine. But I do wish the best parts of both would be used.

    On my web page I mentioned the clinic that I used for the alternative treatments that (I believe) saved my life. I am sure there are other good clinics but fortunately, I didn't need to try anything else.


  2. Hi.

    I am I started my treatment on 9/10/01, my second chemo treatment was punctuated by buildings crashing down to the ground which I visualized through the haze of chemo.

    It was a horrible experience all around. I found myself persuing chest radiation on my own. Two years later, still feeling terrible, my follow up CT showed a small recurrent tumor.

    I just couldn't do the biopsy and chemo thing again, particularly since the second round most likely wouldn't work anyway.

    I checked into an alternative clinic in Mexico. Three weeks later my CT there showed that the recurrent tumor was gone. On the 4th week, I checked out and have been in complete remission for more than two years.

    As an aerospace engineer and technical type, I would have never believed that scenario. But then, I felt I was getting to the end of my rope and so I tracked down what I thought would be the best place to try.

    These ups and downs have been a real trial. The suffering can only be appreciated by someone who has gone through all of this.

    Each day is a gift and seeing the sun each morning in bright blue skies is more special than I could have ever immagined.

    I feel truly blessed.



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