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Posts posted by Alishan

  1. I'm still in a bit of a state of overwhelm at the moment because I am still working - well that is, I am allowed to work from home but I have to try and fit it in and that is a struggle at the moment and I still haven't visited my local cancer support group and I was given their details 3 weeks ago! I know... I'm being very slack. I'm doing this on my own - as I realize do so many others - but it just makes it that little bit more of a challenge.  

  2.  I am trying to be proactive and make choices that put me back in the driver's seat as much as possible.  I have always been self sufficient and self reliant... at my age now its a bit hard to start and be anything else...  This is a good thing though because with no family here and doing this on my own can you imagine what a mess I might be .Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, & welcome to this community.

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