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    scrapbooking, dance, grandkids
  1. Just an update with my hubby. The doctor said that there is no activity in the bones. The mets in the liver are gone. Larry will be cutting back chemo treatments to 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Hubby is still working full time. He will be starting his 5th round of chemo this week. We received all of this fantastic news the day before Thanksgiving. Needless to say we are extremely thankful this year. Thanks for all the support, positive thoughts, and prayers - it helps! Prayers to all of you too! Sandy
  2. Prayers are being sent your way. Hugs Sandy
  3. Thanks so much for the great information. Sometimes I feel so clueless and helpless. You all give me strength and I am very grateful for that. Hugs Sandy
  4. It has been really quiet on the boards. I pray that everyone is ok and is just busy. I have been very busy. I went back to work at my church as a preschool teacher. 4-5 year olds are my favorite age to teach. I am sore and stiff in places I did not know even exsisted. I am having fun and I love every day with those precious darlings. Larry has had a tough time the past couple of weeks. He has had a difficult time with "keeping food down". Zofran seems to help somewhat. He was scheduled to start his third round of chemo today but it was cancelled. His doctor said he needed an additional week of "rest" his red and white blood cell count were low. I kind of know what low red cell count means BUT - What does low white blood cell indicate? I hope this is only a "bump" in the road and not a major pothole. Hugs Sandy
  5. kinderdo

    Great News

    The results of the last CAT scan is in. Larry's tumor has shrunk over 60%. On my last post of Am I selfish? I really thought long and hard about all of your wonderful posts. Larry is STILL working alot but I thank God he can still work. Working makes him very happy. Bottom line, I do want him happy. He has compromised somewhat. He does not spend as much time at the coffee shop. We are trying to make our time together as special as we possibly can. Thanks for all those prayers - they are working! Hugs Sandy
  6. Larry is taking an anti-biotic, decongestant, a steroid and nasal spray. He was told that they wanted to try to prevent any mucus from going into his lungs because that may result in more problems. Sandy
  7. I really do appreciate all of your answers. It is wonderful to hear from the patient's point of view. It is difficult for me to see things from "your shoes". Thank you so much for that. Larry does insist on me being there for all his treatments and appointments so he does want my support. Today I remembered something I once heard. "To have a really good marriage, you must give 100%". I guess I was thinking 50/50 and I wanted my 50%. I need to give DH all 100%. Maybe this is the only way he can deal. Hugs, Sandy
  8. I need help with this one. I want to spend as much time as possible with my DH -especially since his diagnosis. He wants to go to work as much as possible. He is only with me for treatments, appointments or too sick and/or too tired to get out of bed or off the couch. I think going to work allows him to feel "normal" for a little while and keeps his mind off of everything. He does feel that everything will be "fine" and he has all the time in the world. I pray that he is right. Reality is, what if he is wrong? I have told him repeatedly how I feel. I am trying to honor what HE wants but am having a difficult time. Am I selfish? Any suggestions? Hugs, Sandy
  9. kinderdo


    Thanks for the great welcome. Kinderdo is the name of my Preschool that never happened. The name kinda stuck with me. It works well for a username because it is short and unique. Sandy is really my first name. Larry's ankles were swollen because of the pressure in his chest was not allowing his heart to function properly. Fluid built up in his ankles. Lasix took care of it last time. Since he has swollen ankles again, he is back on Lasix. Hugs, Sandy
  10. kinderdo


    Just joined today. I look forward to getting to know you. My prayers go out to all of you.
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