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Posts posted by marym

  1. Hi,

    I had the "halo" on two occaisions. The only pain you might feel is the initial needle that sedates the area - and if the doctor is good at this, he masks that pain as well - but it is literally two seconds.

    After the procedure, I had no pain, slept well and went out shopping the next day.

    So, it looks scary, but was trivial for mr.

    Good luck to your Mom.


  2. Hi,

    ai'm sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis. Today's chemo is not all that difficult to deal with, so your dad may want to try it. He can always stop at any time.

    As far as radiation, there is really no pain and the relief can be great. When I had pain, it was not the degree of the pain it was the constancy of it. The only problem I had was some fatigue, easily dealt with by napping. There can also be some problems with the esophagus based on where the radiation is hitting. For me, it was mild and presented as a little difficulty in swallowing. It only lasted a few days.

    Best wishes to your Dad.


  3. Hi,

    My first line chemo was carbo/gemzar. It worked well. I had some problems with my blood counts, but no other significant side effects. I was on it for 11 cycles and would have stayed on it except for the blood counts.

    Radiation and surgery are also not options for me.

    Best wishes for your Mom.


  4. Jen,

    Your Mom has done great. Her side effects should begin to lessen after a few weeks, except, the fatigue can last a few months. It can be gone and then return in a few months. Just make sure she gets plenty of rest and she should be fine.


  5. Hi,

    I have been dizzy, but was not blaming it on the Tarceva - I thought it was due to brain mets..Who knows? I have so many drugs in me, it could account for ant side effecst. My rash has been minimal an no diarrhea. Dry skin and some bleeding at my nail beds is all Tarceva caused.

    I take Tarceva 2 or 3 hours after dinner.

    Good luck.


  6. I am so very to hear of your diagnosis. May you and your family be strong and win this barrle.

    There are a number of treatments available, so they do keep changing you based on the effectiveness. I wa on Tarceva for the last two months and just had my CT. I get results Thursday and am hoping they'll be good. Tarceva is a fairly easy chemo - pill, not infusiona and generally manageable side effects.

    If tyou have questions, list them here and you'll hear what our experiennces have been.


  7. Wait on the doctor. PET scans are only a reliable tool for direction, treatment would rquire the MRI or CT. When I had my first PET, I was really worried. My brother-in-law, who was head of surgery said to disregard it. Many thinga make it unreliable. He was right.

    Hope your's proves to be okay as well.


  8. Hi Julie,

    Sorry to hear about your mother. ait sounds as though she will do just fine with chemo. One thing I would mention, is that the WBR combined with the decadron they usually give can be difficult. Many people aree very tired, and the steroida can cause weakness. Besides having some help during this time, it's good if your Mom is prepared. I got no warning beforehand and I was really afraid.

    Where in FL is your Mom? I'm in Tampa area and go to Moffitt. I'm quite happy with Moffitt.

    Best wishes.


  9. Hi,

    I had gemcitibine and carboplatin and did well with it. No seious side effects - and with a port, no problem with the infusion. I did have some problems aith my blood counts and need arenesp (red) and nuelasta (white)injections to help my blood counts.

    Over all, it seemed an easy chemo.


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