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Posts posted by Tracy

  1. Thank you all for your replies....they are really appreciated.

    Today the oncologist called and spoke more about this with my mother. He advised that my dad first has to qualify based on an application that the Dr will complete. We should find out more in a couple of days.

    He advised that the cost is approximately $2400/month! Ouch! Thankfully we live in one of the few provinces that covers it under the provincial medical plan we wont have to pay for it.

    He also mentioned that there is a slight chance (approx 1%) that Iressa can be fatal. I have yet to hear anybody say anything about this and couldnt find anything on the web....has anyone heard of such risk? I realize that any and all drugs have risk involved but I am curious none the less.

    Oh and I almost forgot to mention..he now believes that the cancer of the rib is actually the original tumor that may be squeezed up under a rib due to its location on dads lung...so that is kind of good news that it is not spreading although he cant say at this time whether the original has grown or just managed to move...and not sure about this myself because I was unaware that the tumors moved at all! Will know more hopefully after the next scan in december.

    Thanks again for you help and support.

  2. Latest update on my dad.....

    He has been undergoing chemo ( 3 to date) to fight against the new cancer on the rib which has resulted in a lot pain and temporary paralysis to his left arm. They have upped his morphine and introduced a new pill but nothing seems to eliviate the pain.

    My mother just called me in tears from work. They went for dads regular appointment the monday before his chemo and were told that they were no longer going to give my dad chemo. It is not working. And apparently the chemo is causing the pain to his arm.

    My mom and dad never really understand what else is said after they hear bad news ( I beg them to take me with them to these appointments ) so unfortunately we are not sure whats next. My mom said something about Iressa.

    I have read bits of pieces of postings regarding Iressa but not really sure what it is, how it works, what the side effects are etc

    We want to make a list of questions to ask the doctor so I was hoping that maybe some of you might be able to tell me more about Iressa either from personal experience or articles etc

    Any info would be greatly appreciated!


  3. My dad got a phone call yesterday from the hospital advising him of when his CT scan was scheduled for. He advised them that he had already had it two weeks ago. To which they replied

    "That was of the Chest and Abdomen not the Neck and Spine"

    No wonder they were unable to come to a conclusive decision they were looking at the wrong CT scan!!

    My dads pain is all in the neck and shoulder area and that is where his GP spotted the leasion (spelling??) which is why he ordered the CT scan in the first place!

    What the heck is going on???? I live in Canda for crying out loud not a Third World Country...why dont they have a clue what they are doing with my dad!!!???!!!

    Sorry for venting but very frustrated right now. We thought that perhaps life would become normal again until his three month checkup but apparently not..now we have to wait for the scan next week and then the results the week after.

  4. Great news!!! Congratulations and enjoy the cruise! (which I am assuming will be out of our beautiful city of Vancouver!)

    p.s. yes I do remember our conversations last year and thank you for your thoughts about my dad. Again congrats on the news!

  5. Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers.

    Last night I had a long talk with the man upstairs and basically I just asked him to give us some hope. I didnt pray for a miracle but rather if there was bad news for it to at least be treatable. Something, anything positive.

    He answered my prayer.

    We didnt get great news but we sure didnt get bad news. Turns out the oncologists are still indecisive (spelling, oops) as to whether or not there is any new cancer or if its perhaps just a scar from radiation. They feel with the amount of pain dad is in there must be some reason for it but the tests are inconclusive. They suggested a PET scan but also advised that they are sometimes inconclusive and cost about $3000 as they are not covered under our medical plan.

    So now we are going to sit as a family and discuss. In the meantime dad just keeps taking his pain meds to keep it in control and goes in for his next checkup in three months.

    Hopefully the pain will not be too bad and life will become somewhat normal again, at least as much as it can.

    Thanks again for all the support.


  6. Hi everyone,

    My dad just got back from his appointment and the oncologists are still unsure as to whether my dad has new cancer or not! They said the best way to find out is through a PET scan but that it may not be definative enough to determine treament.

    This is not covered under our provincial medical plan and would be at a cost to us of $3000...worth every penny in my mind if it can give us an answer.

    My question is to all that have had a PET scan done.

    Did you get definative results or were they inconclusive?

    $3000 is a lot of money to spend if it gets us no further with knowing what is going on!

    I appreciate your help.


  7. My dad finally gets his results tomorrow and I am soooooooo incredibly scared this time that I am going nuts!

    This morning my mom had a breakdown at work so I had to leave my work to try and calm her down. Thankfully she works close by to me.

    I dont know how to shake the fear within me. My stomach is in knots, my mind is wandering to places I wish it didnt and I know there is no sense in that until the results are in...its just hard.

    Well I am off to bed although I dont think I will sleep much tonight, but first a long talk with the man upstairs....I hope he hears me.

  8. Chemo is not fun....I have been through it with both my mom and my dad. My mom didnt let anyone in to help her except my dad so I barely saw the side effects with her besides her always being in bed with a wet cloth on her forehead, but I was there for my dad. We all took turns taking him to his appointments so I saw alot of it.

    He went for treatment for three days during the first week of the cycle and then had two off before starting again. During this he also had radiation consectutively for 6 weeks. The chemo put dad right out of commission! In fact he would be so sick and had such low energy that he almost didnt get back to normal until the end of the third week..just in time to start it all over again! He hated every minute of it.

    Its rough on everyone involved. My dad would tell us how much he hated it and hated the fact that we had to take care of him...hurt the pride to have his kids clean up after him. And being the youngest, the so called "Daddy's little girl" it was rough on me to see him so frail.

    But fear not Ben...your mother will get through this and so will you and your family..its just a bump in the road to recovery. I like to think of it as every time someone gets sick, its just the body ridding itself of the cancer cells.

    Stay positive! That is the number one key in getting well!


  9. So many good ideas already...one that is mentioned above is a scrapbook or photo album. My sister did that once for my mom, took a whole bunch of old photos from her birth and childhood up to and including both of us girls...my mom melted! And I am sure that you would enjoy putting it together and reflecting back on many good times.

    I wish your mother a very happy birthday.


  10. Hi Ben,

    My name is Tracy and I am 26. I am sorry to meet you this way, but here for you nonetheless. This site is so incredible, I am glad you found it. You are right in that the people here are so wonderful and caring and very supportive...I hope I can be for you as they have been for me.

    My dad will be turning 51 in September and was diagnosed last April. Some did not think he would be still here now and I am so grateful he is. My parents are also my best friends, we travel together, hang out (even on friday nights!!) and always have sunday night dinners at their house. I am blessed to have two really great people in my life. And given our relationship it makes it that much harder to go through this, but I would never trade any future years of mindless time for the great ones in the past.

    Recently my dad began having neck and shoulder pain and it was first thought that the cancer had mets. to his spine but then we were told it was his rib. At this point the doctors are uncertain and will not know any more until his CT scan scheduled for August 3. But I dont want to make this about my dad as this post is really for you.

    I am the cheerleader in the family. Not literally ( I never liked cheerleaders!! lol!!) but emotionally. I do my best to always see the positive rather than dwell on the negative. On a bright sunny day I can stop and put everything on hold just so I can appreciate the warmth of the sun and thank god for another beautiful day...this is the way I choose to be. I am now a "live life to the fullest" kinda girl as prior to this my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer ( six year survivor ).

    So if you ever need to vent, vent away! That is what I and everyone else is here for..to listen and offer whatever we can to help you through this journey. You and your family are in my prayers.


  11. Update:

    My dad got back from an appointment with his chemo dr and he said that until they get the CT scan results back they dont even know what they are dealing with...turns out him and the radiation dr dont agree on what kind (if any) cancer is there!! Odds are that the chance of being no cancer is very slim to none...but it is a chance!

    So now we are even more confused and have to wait until the 12th of August to get the results of his ct scan on the 3rd!

    Will update you with more info when it comes in...thanks for all the support!

  12. Thanks Karen and Jana,

    Unfortunately no treatment options have been discussed at this point and will not until the CT scan is complete. You are right August 3rd does seem very far away and unfortunately this is the bumped up date, it was originally set for August 16th..seems unreal to have to wait so long..August will be two months after the diagnosis. We had to wait last year too, Dad was first diagnosed in April and didnt start treatment until July!

    Thanks again!


  13. Hi everybody,

    I just posted my first post in many months in the alternative therapy forum.

    I stopped posting after my dad appeared to be doing so well. I felt guilty to be apart of this family when my dad was going about a "normal" life and there were others that were suffering.

    And after reading some posts and finding out that many of the people I used to post with have lost loved ones I feel absolutely terrible for not being there for them.

    An update of my story, my father Terry.

    After finishing treatment last October dad was scheduled to continue checkups every three months but basically we were given the idea that life would resume. Yes the tumour was still there but not growing. And it didnt. He had two checkups all clear and was on his way to a third when he started experiencing pain in his shoulder/neck area. He did not want to go see the doctor but after the pain continued he finally did. The doctor, who wins the jerk of the day award, called him ON THE TELEPHONE and told him he had cancer of the spine. That was about a month ago and since then we have learned that actually it is not involving the spine but rather the rib. We finally have a CT scan set up for August 3rd and so we are left in the dark about treatment until after the results come in. His pain has intensifed and after putting it off as long as possible he finally got a prescription for morphine although it does not appear to be helping much.

    So that is where we are now...back to the waiting game...things are very tense around my parents house. My dad has been very depressed, just like he was last year. Hopefully that will change once he knows what road he will be travelling.

    I am very scared now that it has spread. I am turning 27 next month and my dad will be 52 the month after. I am too young to lose my dad and my father is too young to lose his battle. I will not give up and I will be damned if I let him.

    Thanks for listening to me vent. Blessings to this site and all those involved!

  14. Its been a long time since I have posted on this website. Alot has happened since then and I am back in search of wisdom.

    I recently read an article in a local paper, The Province July 4th/04, referring to a new treatment in Hong Kong. It's a drug called "Gendicine" and is "the world's first officially licensed "gene therapy" ". Clinical trials found it improved the survival rate for those with cancer of the neck and head and now doctors are extending it to people with lung and stomach cancer.

    Supposedly the drug is injected into the tumour and "it invades itself and commits suicide".

    My questions to you all are as follows:

    1. Has anyone else heard of this and if so have any doctors out there recommended it?

    2. How does one go about getting themselves on a list for treatment in a different country?

    Any advice of this would be great...thanks so much!

  15. Thanks everyone for your support!

    I got the call this morning on my way into work from my mom that there has been no change!!! YIPPEE!! My dad was certain there was new growth "Tracy I know my body"....so he got a good helping of my view on things...there is no sense in stressing yourself, your body and your loved ones until you have all the facts!

    So as I believe in what I just said, it will now continue for me as one day at a time (thanking god for each day given) life as normal until we are told otherwise.

    Thanks again

    p.s. I love my new house!! First time I have owned something and although it is only 1/3 mine, its better than renting!

  16. Congrats!!!

    Too bad I didnt see this til today as I would have loved to have given you a hug!! I am only 30min from bellingham and have many friends there..maybe next time...I hope you are having a good trip

  17. Hi Everyone,

    It has been a few months since I have last posted as there has just been so much going on in my life right now. I recently bought a new house and moved and all that jazz, and recently my mom turned 50 so the family just got back from a birthday vacation.

    My dad goes in tomorrow for his first chest xray in three months. He has been complaining of pain and has convinced himself that the cancer has grown. I try so hard to not give in to this negativity but sometimes its hard. I find myself not wanting to go to sleep just in case the results come back bad tomorrow...I dont think we can go through this again...I dont think my dad will choose to go through this again.

    So that is why I come to you and ask for your prayers be with my dad for a good clean checkup.

    Thanks in advance


  18. Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!

    Thank you to everyone who have been sooooo supportive of me this last year...I dont know where I would be without you!

    Hugs and Kisses


  19. So even though my dad got what I consider to be good news he still is majorly down in the dumps and taking the family down with him.

    Now he doesnt even want to celebrate christmas because he may not be here next year...heck no one knows if they will be around for another year or not but that doesnt stop you from celebrating the now..right?

    He feels that since he has not had surgery and is not a candidate for it that he will not beat this..........sooooo this is where I need your help!

    If you or someone you know has gone through chemo and rad but did not have surgery and are a survivor, please share with me your story. I need to be able to show him proof that it can be done.

    Either reply to this post or send me a private message...Thanks in advance!


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