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Posts posted by midge

  1. It costs about $16,000 per infusion and many insurance companies refuse to pay because it IS NOT approaved for lung cancer treatment, although it soon will be. My insurance company pays it thank God but I was told that is it didn't they (oncolgist office) would contact the drug company and see if they would work out something to profide it to me...check this out, I am sure it can be done.

  2. I had a met to my right adrenal gland that was never picked up in a CT that was done in December (CT was read as excellent, with no progression by the way). The adrenal had a 7 cm mass (large). The only reason I finally did know this was because I had a lump on my lower back (adrenal sits next to kidney below shoulder blade) that was diagnosed as a "fatty tumor" in November, this "no big deal tumor" began to grow and hurt, I took myself to a surgeon who told me it was a cancer tumor. I had it biopsied and guess what, it was my lung cancer again...then they did another CT scan (one month after my "great" one) saw the adrenl tumor that time! I now am VERY pessimistic when someone says "I had NED or "scans looked great"..right..me too...HA

    I am now back on chemo after a seven month vacation from it. On Taxol (makes you feel like crap for a few days following infusion), Carboplatin and Avastin. I will be rescanned soon...(not that you can trust a CT).

    I would think, as far as treatment goes, they would put you on a regimen similar to mine.

    I have no symptoms from the adrenal met...the adrenals help regulate a lot of different hormones..fight or flight (racing heart), blood pressure, fluid regulation (swelling of feet, hands etc).

    Good luck my friend, hope for the best..thats all we can do!


    PS I am also a nurse and it pisses me off that our medical profession is so sloppy and has a total disregard for their job and the importance of reading a CT correctly.

  3. Joanie,

    I agree that what you do have is a common reaction to your situation and if you believe in counseling, do it. I think that to think that you come through something like you just did untouched and feeling like a new women is nuts. You have every right to feel the feelings you are and I would go with the flow.

    Mental health drugs may help, but I think that being depressed is normal under the situation. If depression continues, I sure would seek out a med to help you through it.

    I personally tried to take a mental health med, made me more depressed and got off it..to each his own. I think if you aren't depressed at times with lung cancer somethings wrong with you. If depression remains a constant, do something about it.


  4. I am so sad! Poor wonderful Leslie! She was such a dreamer and so positive that she was going to pull through this awful disease. If positive attitude could be a cure for lung cancer, she would have been the poster child for it.

    I pray that she is in a much better place and is filled with peace and happiness. She was a lovely gal and I am so glad to have had the pleasure of "meeting" her here.

    I am so glad that she got to enjoy her European trip this past Fall.

    Prayers to her hubby and her beloved animals...


  5. I agree with everyone who replied. It is RIDICULOUS that an oncology office would be so absolutely uncaring unfeeling. Shame on them!

    Bless you and your Mom..we all are human, scared to death and just want to live. Sometimes it is so overwhelming it is unreal. My husband and I pray each night that I will get through this and let me tell you, it is tough to hold back the tears..it is all so overwhelming even after a year of dealing with it.

    May heart goes out to you.


  6. I am so soryy to hear of Brians passing. You are in my thoughts and prayers. He gave a good fight and you were such a rock for him..he was blessed to have you as his partner in life.

  7. Although I joined late in knowing Addie too well, her posts are so funny and uplifting, I am hoping your journey is an easy one and I am sure you know how much you have been appreciated by so many on this site....peace and prayers to you Addie

  8. Barbara,

    I think it is probably a coincidance with Bills shoulder pain and the met to that area. I would think that the met would have to be quite large to cause pain and I am sure that is not the case. Possible just general aches and pains....If possible try not to worry (easier said, right?)


  9. I don't see any gift from cancer either..When someone tells me "theres a reason for it all, you just don't know it yet" I want to puke. I had a great life before cancer, cancer has done nothing to make my life seem like I should love it more. I loved it a lot before cancer.

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