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Posts posted by troy

  1. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you brave and courageos people that have helped me and answered my questions throughout my MOM- Pat Martin- fight. The Monday before Christmas, 2 weeks ago, she had another seizure. She was suppose to start her new cloratezine trial the next day. After the seizure the DR did a CAT SCAN and found that it had spread throughout her brain. They did not think she would make it out of the ER that morning. She was given 2 days tops to live. She continued to fight just like I knew she would. She got to come home on Dec. 23 under Hospice Care. Her birthday was Dec24 and she had her best day of alertness. She got to spend Christmas with us the next day as well. This morning, January 2 she decided it was time to really go home and she left us for a better place. Again thank you all for your support. I am sorry I could not help some of you with your questions like others on this board. All I can say is for all of you to please continue to fight this disease. You guys/gals are the bravest people I know. Keep fighting. You have been there so much for me, I wish there was more I could give back. I love you all and will continue to pray for you. Just in return, I ask you to never give up. My mom was given 2 hours- 2 days tops. She made it 2 weeks and although very sad it was a great 2 weeks for me and my family. I am sorry the post is so long. I just wanted to let you know. Thank you again and mAy God be with you all.


  2. Hello Lynne,

    My mother was suppose to start this treatment(CLORAZETINE) on Dec.1. Unfortunately she broke out into a rash caused by the dilantin she takes for her seizures. She spent 1 week in the hospital taking care of that and she is still pretty weak, however she is good to go for the treatment starting next Tuesday. She will take it for 3 weeks, then off 3 weeks then a scan. It is to my understanding that it is used for people with SCLC that has relapsed or grown. We live in Gallatin, TN which is just outside of Nashville- where the Minnie Pearl Clinic is. My mothers oncologist used to be with that center before she came here. Another person on this board has had huge success with it the last time he posted. He had a tumor show up in his adrenal gland and it shrunk 80% after his first cycle, I believe. He lives in Nashville, I think. I dont think he had too many side effects either. If you scroll back you will see where I posted about a month ago about the treatment and he responded. Schmaydee, I believe is his post name. Really good guy, with an awesome attitude. I hope he is still doing well. I dont know if this helps you or not, but I just thought I would let you know what I know. It is very new and just came out I believe in September/October. I think they were going to try it on about 90 people.

  3. In my mom's case, which no radiation was done at first, she had scans every 8 weeks I think. She would do one big chemo treatment on 1 thursday and then follow with 2 smaller treatments the next thursdays and then a week off. She then would repeat that same process. After the second cycle, she would then get a scan. She had some radiation done after her last chemo treatment. They said that the radiation would take a while to work, therefore her next scan is Nov. 28. My mom is sclc ext. so your situation may be totally different.

  4. That is great news. My mom's oncologist has two people here taking it. One persons showed a 60% reduction, while the other has not had a scan yet. That is awesome news for you though. Keep it up. You have always been an inspiration to me when I read your posts. I love the attitude.

  5. I hope I spelled that right. My mother is doing very good after her radiation to her brain. I have not posted in a while, watching her improve. She was dxed in June with SCLC EXT. The first scan she had showed 50% shrinkage in main tumor and almost everything else gone. 2nd Scan- slight growth in main tumor. 2 days later- seizures- MRI- 3 BRAIN METS. I was reading through some old posts to see if anyone else had heard of the new clinical trial- Phase 2 CLORETAZINE. I found your post. I saw where you were from the Nashville area. I reside in Gallatin, TN. My mom will start this trial on Dec.1. I was just wondering how it was working for you. It seems not alot of people know about it, I guess because it is new. There is not much info. on the net about it either, but my mom's onc., formerly with the Sarah Canon Inst., says it seems to be a very promising drug. Hope everything is going well. TROY

  6. My mom started her radiation to her brain yesterday. She has had two treatments. She really seems tired. She has slept most of the time. I dont know if this is a side effect or because she was in the hospital all weekend. She also seems to have some balance issues. She also seems to be out in leftfield some of the time- meaning she's awake but out of it. Does this sound right or is this more bad news?

  7. First I would like to thank everyone for their replies to my other posts. On Thursday we found out my moms latest results which seemed OK. Her main tumor had grown slightly and nothing else really showed up. Unfortunately they only did the CAT scan from the neck down. Yesterday she had 2 seizures and was hospitalized. They found she had some lesions to the front part of her brain. The ER dr said that these are treatable. Is this true?? I know this is bad news but can she continue to have hope. Thanks.

  8. My mom received her results today about her 2nd scan. After her 1st scan her main tumor had shrunk 50% and every other spot had also shrunk or been resolved. This report today is not as good. Her main tumor had grown a little (5mm), while everything else was clean. The ONC told her not to be discouraged that this was still treatable. She will start radiation on Monday. I really dont know what to think. Im so scared. Is the ONC just trying to keep her spirits up or can it be treated??Please help and tell me something good.

  9. I know there is not really anyway of knowing, but I was wondering what to expect. My mom had her first Pet Scan after 2 cycles of chemo and the scan showed 50% reduction of main tumor and all other spots were gone. This happened about 6 weeks ago. She continued on her same path of chemo and went through 2 more cycles. Yesterday she had an exclusive cat scan done. We are in the process of waiting for the results. She has not had any setbacks along the way. She has gained 8 pounds since first treatment. I was just wondering if there is anyway of knowing what the scan should indicate. Should we expect continued improvement or is there just no way of knowing. Thanks.

  10. By the way, I know my profile says I joined this board today, but I have been a member since June. I forgot my password this morning so I had to register again because I have also changed my email address. My former USER name was TROY MARTIN. I had said earlier that I had not posted here in a while. I just wanted to clear that up because my profile says only 2 posts. Thank you again.

  11. Thank you all for your replies. I will be sure to relay all of the info. to my family. Everyone I have talked to today said that it was common for that to happen. It is just nice to here it from others. My prayers are with all of you. This board gives me so much inspiration. I tell my family about CindyRN a lot. I read your story at least 2 times a week. I dont want to put any added burden on any of you, but your stories really help and give me strength and hope. Thank you all


  12. I have not posted here in a while. My mother (55) was diagnosed in June with SCLC EXT. She has been taking chemo ever since. After her first 6 treatments she had a PET/CAT scan done. The scans showed significant shrinking or complete resolvement of all her tumors or spots. She basically has one main tumor and it showed 50% shrinkage there. This was great news. She has continued on the same treatment path. My question has to do with her sickness after her treatments. At first, she would only be sick for 1-2 days following. Now it is 3-4 days. Is this the chemo taking its toll or what?? Also, today which would be her 12th treatment, she her DR would not give it to her because her White Count had dropped some. She recieved a shot instead to increase her white count. Until today, her count was always very high and the DR seemed amazed at how she was doing. She has gained 6 lbs. since her treatments began. My question is does this sound normal for her counts to drop some and should she be getting sicker from the treatments. The DR was not concerned at all according to my mother- but sometimes I wonder if my Mom is telling us everything. Should I be worried or is this normal? Thank you

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