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Posts posted by xenasmom_996@msn.com

  1. I lost my dad Friday, Dec 30th. He wanted to come home from the hospital and thru hospice, a truly wonderful service I never knew existed, my mom and I were able to satisfy his final wishes and make happen his need for some kind of reconciliation and neccesary reassurance he needed to reach before he could complete his final journey in this life and let go with peace that those he would leave behind would take care of one another in his absence. It was my dad's greatest gift I could ever hope to have received, and in my pain and sorrow along side my mom's as we shared in his care and comfort in his final weeks on earth I found a inner peace within I never knew could have existed inside me that guided me every step of the way. Trust within yourself, there are no right or wrong choices, there are no instructions to follow, go with your gut feelings, do what you feel is right at the moment, don't second guess, be strong, just always show and make sure communicate your love and don't be afraid to say all you want to say, let your tears flow, even though you're afraid it may be too soon, its never too soon, you won't regret it.


    Joe Bacha's daughter Carol

  2. I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank all of you who sent support when I joined this community 2 months ago. Sadly, my dad passed Friday 12/30/05 at home. My mom and I brought him home on Tuesday, 12/27 thru hospice and we slept along side him until early Friday morning, 12/30/05. He could no longer swallow and I gave him his last eyedropper of morphine just before midnight on Thurs. 12/29. He fought any meds from late Wednesday but he opened his mouth for me to give him what would help ease his dying pain. Maybe it wasn't for him but for me at that point, but I thank him for allowing me my final chance to try to ease his pain. I wouldn't trade any of moment of our last two weeks together, the hallucinations, my particiption in carrying out his needs in those hallucination's to reach his final reconcilations. I swept birds that he thought were flying out of his room, I "turned valves" that he thought might blow us all up, I searched over and over as instructed to make sure no one was hidden to kill him under, inside and around his hospital bed. I had to, I was Joe's daughter, and I remain feeling so privelged to have been involved so intimately with his death. I thank you all for your support and all of you will remain within my prayers

    Carol Falco

  3. I thought I filled out my profile as best I could but I apologize if you look at it and it dosen't offer much info, I don't know where to add any personal note. My dad is 69, and up until about 2-3 months ago, besides his arthritis and spinal stenosis (I know thats spelled wrong) he began having stomach pains, at first he thought it was a stomach virus, then the pains got worse, enough to go to a gastro doctor. The CAT scan revealed a mass in his pancreas, and cancer in both adrenal glands. Results came back to his GP and she ordered a chest Xray which revealed a mass in his lungs. Another CAT revealed a 4" x 5" tumor in his lungs, which after biopsy was diagnosed as non small cell carcinoma. We live in NJ and his onocologist has recommended chemo, my dad, mom and me just went to Dr. Richards, Franklin, NJ (onocologist) last Thursday. I asked alot of questions, but I don't even know what stage, I guess I have alot more to find out about. My Dad has lost about 12 lbs in the past 2 months, is very weak, in alot of pain, but finally he has realized that he has to take the pain meds every 4-6 hrs, not just when the pain becomes so severe, he can't even sit comfortably. I have so much to say, and thankyou for this forum for me to say it, I love him so much and can't imagine that he may have little time left. Dont misunderstand- we are all upbeat and positive as can be but I'm scared, I'm strong when I'm around him and my mom but I find myself breaking down into tears at any time, watching TV, enjoying a show, then 5 minutes later I'm crying.

    Sorry for the run-on, I'm hoping reading subjects in this forum will help me deal with this. At this point I didn't know where to go. Knowing we're all in the same situation here, either having cancer or having a family member who does is a comfort within itself. Thank you

    Carol Falco

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