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Posts posted by DevotedDaughter

  1. Talk about no clue. Sadly I wonder why it is that ignorance is so common, perhaps they have yet to realize that experience is the best teacher there will ever be, not just our own but others' as well. I just hope that this person will never be unfortunate enough to experience the reality of this disease.

  2. wow I am jealous of all you ladies who get the "burnt" food LOL my husband will not even cook something I have already prepared! If I ask him to cook or "make" me something he says "where do you want me to go?" Cooking is out of the question, to him at least, that is a woman's job :roll: so I don't even get burnt food :lol: but hey, at least he helps with the cleaning :D so what if he bleaches the darks, they're clean right?!? :wink:

  3. Get all the money I could get my hands on, buy the biggest plane I could for the money, gather my entire family and anyone else that would fit on the plane,load it with all sorts of supplies, wait until it was just about to happen then take off and fly around until after it hit then come back :lol: then I would work on finding all those who burried themselves in underground shelters :wink: who knows maybe my plane would make a pit stop on the moon :lol: or perhaps we would try to blow the thing up before it had a chance to arrive :)

  4. Hello Abra,

    Welcome...I don't have much to add to what has already been said, I agree with everyone that the smoking has to be something that she truely wants to do. This site is absolutely wonderful, full of wonderful people with a lot of knowledge and tremendous support. I have gone through the same emotions you have, my father was diagnosed with NSCLC and also smokes. I pray that he will beat the cancer and have enough strength to quit smoking, now too I will be praying for you and your mother..I wish you the best.

  5. Hello Everyone,

    I found a link to this site recently and started to check it out. This site has helped me more than you all know, everyone here is so positive and supportive, and that is exactly what I need right now. In January of 1987 I lost my grandfather to lung cancer, in April of 2002 I lost my grandmother to Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and in 2003 the year I was married I lost my father in law to Lung cancer. My father was recently diagnosed with NSCLC. He is a diabetic and has numerous problems with his diabetes. Last year he started to have problems where he would just start choking for no reason, after seeing the doctor they thought he had a problem with Acid reflux, did a gastroscopy and all was clear, they said nothing was wrong. In Late September he lost his voice, once again went to the doctor, dr sent him to ENT. ENT said he lost his voice because his vocal chord was paralyzed, and sent him for CT. CT revealed small tumor in right upper lung and one lymphnode, dr suspected stage III lung cancer. Went for surgical biopsy in late October, unable to perform frozen section because tumor too close to artery, however able to do scrub and wash. This revealed NSCLC. Went for CT, CT of Head, Abdomin and Pelvis all clear, PET all clear THANK GOD!!! Possibly not in lymphnode as suspected. Waiting for Dr to call with staging. Next step oncologist. The waiting is the worst. Dad is anxious to get treatment started. I am too however I question my strength and am very afraid to be walking down this same road all over again. I have been there stairing this ugly disease in the face too many times, I worry that I can't bear to see my father go through what I have watched happen already with those I love. I again am desperate and feeling the overwhelming need to fix this but am also feeling quite helpless knowing that the only thing I can do is support him and help him in any way I can. I have had many many long talks with God and I know that now isn't his time. This disease can not and will not take another of my so very much loved ones. Yet still the fear and worry keeps me tossing and turning and my thoughts going a millioin miles an hour. At least until I found this site, reading the posts from all of you and knowing that there are survivors out there has helped me tremendously. I can never pray enough and now all of you are in my prayers as well. From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the luck in the world. I know somehow someway there are enough mircales for everyone to have...to hold on to....

    Thank You All,


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