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Posts posted by RJimenez

  1. Hi:

    Welcome. My advise, the best support is being there as nuch as you can. When you not there send encouragement. Gaining as much knowlege as you can would help him FIGHT through. Some of my family members are still in denial and won't even investiage to under stand what's going on, except for hubby and mom :)

    Your in my prayers



  2. Hi:

    My name is Robin. I am a 38 year old female from New Jersey. I was diagnosed with non-small cell, lung cancer, in my left lung, November 2004.

    Thanks Gail for introducing me to this website. This is an informative website. It only took me a whole year to find support out on the web.

    Last year this time I was in the hospital unsure what was going on with me. I thought I was being admitted to have some fluid removed from the lungs, only to have the fluid removed from my heart. The fluid in the heart turned out to be cancer free. It was not until multiple test and probing and two weeks later after being released from the hospital; they told me I had lung cancer, stage 4, it had spread to the liver. I was so sure the doctors were wrong, because I thought only smokers could get lung cancer. Boy was I ever wrong. My initial reaction was anger, because I thought I should have smoked along with my friends. The unknown, not knowing what caused this is always in the back of my mind. I had my house tested for radon and all was fine and yet the doctors could not tell me WHY or How I ened up with Lung Cancer, I guess I will never know. Seems to be a trend among young women who never smoked. I pray they find out real soon what's going on.....

    I had no time to digest the information or do any research, they started me on Taxol and I had a bad reaction. Then in January 2005, I started 9 rounds of Taxatere and Carboplatin. The tumors in my liver were clear as of September 2005 and the tumor in my left lung had gone from 9X5cm to 5X3cm. Then I took 2 months off and the tumor in the lung started to grow again. Now I am on Alimta and 33 round of radiation (IMRT). Ihave two more weeks of radiation.

    Well, that is my short introduction of my eventful year. I thank God I am still here one year later. :)

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.


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