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Posts posted by LTich

  1. I just arrived home a few hours ago. I wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the thoughts & prayers. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me & my family. Prayers & thoughtfulness of others are the only thing that got us through the past 6 or so days.

    During the visitation, I realized a very special gift that Mom gave to us. We got to see so many beloved family members & dear friends. Some of whom we haven't seen in 20 or more years. Several of my old high school friends that I had lost touch with & even their parents showed up to extend their sympathies & pay their respects to my Mother.

    My Mom touched so many lives, far more than I realized. People filed past the casket for 6 hours straight & they were still showing up as it was time to go. The guest book has several hundred signatures in it. At least 100 of her coworkers showed up as well. It was an incredible tribute which spoke volumes about my Mom. She was a super coworker, super Mom & super Wife that touched so many lives. She will live on in the hearts of many. I am so proud to have her blood in me.

    Thanks again,


  2. Sorry I haven't posted in so long. So much has happened over the last 6 months.

    My Father called a short while ago to let me know that my Mom is very near the end of her battle with cancer. It has consumed her brain & she can no longer speak. Hospice has been caring for her around the clock at home so she can die in peace.

    My sister is flying in from Orlando this weekend & we are driving up (Illinois) to see Mom Friday afternoon. We actually planned the trip a few weeks ago & I believe in my heart that Mom is holding out until I can be by her side. My Dad is crushed because Mom is his entire world. They have been married 45 wonderful years. I think he believed she would beat this until a few weeks ago even though the doctors didn't offer any hope from the beginning.

    Mom is the center of my entire family & this will be devastating for us all to go through. I know she is my rock & I will be lost without her. I couldn't have asked for a better Mom.

    I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful advice, love & support throughout our journey. Although she is losing the battle, she won the war because she has lived her life to the fullest over the past year. We have been very blessed to have this special time with Mom.

    Please send your thoughts & prayers our way. We need all we can get to help us through this very tough time.



    My Mom passed away early yesterday morning (March 1st) about 6:20 AM in her sleep. She went the way she wanted to go. I am devastated that I didn't get to be by her side but, it really was a blessing because she wasn't afraid or in any pain. None of us thought she would go so quickly but, my Mom was a special lady & a lady always knows when it's time to leave.

    My Dad came in just after she passed & stayed with her until the funeral director came. He laid next to her & held her for two hours saying his special good-bye to Mom. They shared something so precious & knew a secret recipe to making a marriage last, an ingredient that illudes so many of us.

    It has been the absolute hardest day of my life & the worst was telling my children, one by one, as they returned home from school. It was especially hard for Ethan (5) because he knows what death is but doesn't grasp it completely. He kept asking through tears why he can't see his Grandma anymore. I wish I could help him to understand.

    We are still planning on leaving tomorrow to help with funeral arrangements and be there to comfort Daddy. I thank you all for the support & prayers. It is deeply appreciated.

    with love,


  3. First, I wanted to apologize for not posting lately. I still come here often to read & catch up on everyone. I want you all to know you are in my thoughts & prayers.

    I have Systemic Lupus & I've been dealing with a flare that left me bed ridden. I am much better now though. Just trying to stay well for my Mom.

    My Mom's recent scans showed progression in the tumor near her Thyroid & spine. It has increased by 5.1 x 5.2 cm. Also, more cancer nodules were found on her thyroid. The rest of the tumors seem to be stable but they are not really focusing on those. If they can't stop the one in her neck it's all over.

    They started her on Carboplatin once every 4 weeks & Camptosar every 3 weeks, indeffinantly. So far, so good. She is handling it all pretty well. She amazes me with her strength & courage.

    In the midst of all this, my sponsor came through for me. My website, Common Bonds, has now been launched on it's own site instead of being a part of KatrinaTribute.info . The new URL is www.CommonBonds.info . I wanted to thank you all again for participating. The site continues to grow & the feedback has been wonderful!

    Big Hugs,


    PS. I'm the 'ugly' part of this post because the high doses of Prednisone made my face swell like a balloon :lol:

  4. What are you giving up so you could afford the price of gasoline?

    Driving :lol: Seriously, with 5 kids, our budget was already stretched as far as it would go before the hikes. It's hurting us & so many others I know. In one Tennessee county, they are closing school on Mondays & Fridays because the cost of gas for the buses exceeded what the budget would allow.

  5. Been a rotten couple of weeks here in Tennessee, weather wise. We have had several tornadoes hit the state & 36 people have been killed . They are predicting more dangerous weather for us Wednesday.

    My 17 y.o. daughter & I are weather enthusiasts. We decided to video the nasty weather. Once we got outside on our covered porch, the wind stopped completely & we thought we missed the show. You can hear my daughter on the tape saying "Come on, show us something!". Well, she got her wish, not 5 seconds later. A huge bolt of lightening struck the tree just feet in front of us. It even arced over & gave us a little jolt. We are both OK but I think our storm chasing days are over Got great video footage of it though!

    I'm trying to figure out a way to upload it online. If & when I do, I will be sure to share.

  6. Donna-

    So sorry to hear about the bad news. Please don't give up hope. Try not to focus on the numbers, doctors are wrong all the time. You just can't put a number on the human spirit & will to live. Focus on the incredible love the two of you share & savor every moment. You & Warren are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Big Hugs,


  7. Cindy-

    I'm so thrilled about your great news! You should be celebrating, woman! Really, it does me SO good to come here & read this. It gives me & many others hope! Your news brought the first big smile to my face in days.

    Big Hugs,


  8. Thanks everyone. It good to come here, knowing that everyone understands how hard this is. Still fighting this melancholy mood though. I have to force myself out of bed most days & my heart is my throat every time the phone rings. My own goofy health problems are not helping matters either.

    I seemed to have lost my thunder. If you see it please send it back my way! (sense of humor still in tact) :D


  9. I went to visit her this past weekend (March 3,4,5). She looked better than at Christmas but said she "felt worse than ever". Only 2 Chemo treatments left & they will do scans to see where we stand. We are, of course, very scared & hopeful. Mom is afraid for the Chemo to end but at the same time is looking forward to it. She doesn't know at this point if she will go through anymore treatments, if they are recommended. No matter what she decides, we will be there for her every step of the way.

    It took me almost a week to feel strong enough to come here & post this. I felt sick on the drive home & thought I had the flu. It wasn't the flu, it was reality kicking in I guess. Each time I say good-bye to her, it could be the last time. I guess that is true for everyone on this earth but, it seems so much more real when Cancer is involved. I am angry that she has to suffer like this and I am powerless to stop it. It's very hard not to be overcome by the overwhelming feeling that all of our lives are about to change for the worse. At the same, time feeling very blessed that we have been given this time together & the knowledge that life is so very precious.

    Despite the melancholy mood, hope is still alive. I hold onto it like a child with a security blanket. I know in my heart, that no matter what happens, I will always have my Mother safe in my heart.

  10. Thanks everyone :D You guys are the best!

    That was beautiful. If there is anything I can do to help you support the site, let me know. My wife builds Websites in our business. So if we can, please ask.


    Warren- Thank you. Just pass the site around so it can continue on it's journey of love, compassion & hope!

    I also need contributions of stories & pictures, etc. Please feel free submit link suggestions as well (many are listed on the Information page).

    The slide show can be used for fundraisers too & I will be happy to send it to anyone who wishes to use it.


  11. Common Bonds: Tribute to Cancer Patients, Caregivers & their Families.


    (This is only the temporary home of the website. It will be moved to it's permanent home, sometime in the near future.)

    Special thanks to everyone who participated with pictures &/or ideas! Without you, none of this would have been possible.

    If you have lost a loved one from Cancer, please feel free to submit their picture & information for the Common Bonds Memorial Virtual Quilt. I would be honored to add them.

    I'm also adding a stories page very soon. Please submit your story & a picture to this very special project! There is no limits on story size.

    In addition, I am looking to add more information about fundraisers taking place. If you have an upcoming event, please let us know about it so we can get the word out!

    You can contact me here: ENLTich1104@aol.com

    God bless you all,


  12. Common Bonds: Tribute to Cancer Patients, Caregivers & their Families.


    (This is only the temporary home of the website. It will be moved to it's permanent home, sometime in the near future.)

    Special thanks to everyone who participated with pictures &/or ideas! Without you, none of this would have been possible.

    If you have lost a loved one from Cancer, please feel free to submit their picture & information for the Common Bonds Memorial Virtual Quilt. I would be honored to add them.

    I'm also adding a stories page very soon. Please submit your story & a picture to this very special project! There is no limits on story size.

    In addition, I am looking to add more information about fundraisers taking place. If you have an upcoming event, please let us know about it so we can get the word out!

    You can contact me here: ENLTich1104@aol.com

    God bless you all,


  13. Hi,

    I have no news to post, but I was reading through all the different topics, and all I can think of is WOW - what an incredible group of compassionate, caring, loving, supporting people - for complete strangers who become friends and family. I don't know if I could have kept my sanity without all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.

    We are all in this together. Even though Cancer seems like a curse, it reminds us that each day is very precious & to let those around us know how much we care about them. People here get that & that's what makes it such a wonderful, supportive community. This place is a life saver for me!



  14. Lisa,

    Can it be a family photo or do you just want the survivor? I can send you the one of all of us, but I will have to try to get one of him alone.


    It can be a family picture too. Cancer affects everyone in the family & it only seems fitting for them to be included in this tribute as well. Please be sure to include his information with the picture, like type of Cancer, how long in remission, dates, etc., if applicable.

    Special thanks to everyone who sent pictures, I got in 3 more today! Keep em' coming!

  15. When are estimating the site will be ready?


    The site should be up sometime in February, provided I get enough pictures to complete the Flash tribute. Everything else is already in place.

    close to the edge- If you already have pictures on your computer, click the 'attachment' button on a blank email. It will allow you to browse files on your computer. Once you find the file you want to use, click on it & it will add it to the email.

    If you don't already have pictures on your computer, you can take a favorite picture to Walgreens or any other photo center & they can put it on a CD for you, to load to your computer.

    Hope that helps!


  16. Thanks Debi!! You are a gem!

    Don't make me use 20 pictures of Debi for the tribute!! :lol: (I told Debi I was going to threaten that)

    Things are moving along. Machine Planet has generously offered all the space/bandwidth needed for the site & will be sponsoring it. The only thing holding us back is the pictures to do the tribute.

    The site will (of course!) include links to this website, lungevity & many other lung cancer support & charity sites. It will also represent all types of cancer & include links for those as well.

    So PLEASE send me those pictures! :D



  17. Paula,

    So sorry about your mother's diagnosis. I was new here just a few months ago because my Mom was diagnosed with SCLC too. The people on the site are wonderful. They have given me the support & information needed.

    The road ahead is very long for you, your mother & family. Try to stay strong & be there for your mother. She will go through every emotion in the book in a very short time. Denial turns to sorrow & then to anger.

    The treatments are very rough on them. There will be big bumps in the road along the way but, there is hope. Treatments have come a long way in the last 10 years. Also, new treatments are coming available & offer hope. There are many here that have achieved remission & continue to live, defying the odds. Try to keep in mind that they can't put a number on human spirit & the will to live.

    Here are some tips that helped us out:

    Keep a journal of everything that happens with your mother. A lot happens in a very short time & it's very hard to keep track of it all.

    Don't try to push her into anything. Your Mom needs to know she has a say in what's happening to her body.

    Stay on top of the doctors & make sure your Mom is kept comfortable. Quality of life is very important. Also, make sure pain medication is made available to her when it is needed. Sometimes they have a hard time swallowing/keeping down medication due to treatments. Pain med. patches are wonderful in this instance. Have the prescription in hand because they can't call in narcotics, to the pharmacy, in most states. You don't want to make her wait for relief (this became a big issue for my Mom).

    Try to keep her eating. It's very important for her, to keep strength up. Let your Mom have anything she wants.

    Be sure to take care of yourself as well. Your Mom needs you to stay healthy. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed. Don't be afraid to take 'me time' & be kind to yourself.

    All kinds of information can be found by doing a Google 'Small Cell Lung Cancer' search. One of the best sites for information is:


    We are here if you need us!


  18. Intelligence has it's limits but stupidity knows no bounds! Sad to see people so blind to the truth. Maybe this is Tom Cruise's company? He seems to subscribe of the same ignorance, in believing that exercise & nutrition cures all including depression.

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