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Posts posted by EMiller529

  1. My Mom's feet started to swell during chemo. No one could fully figure it out just kept saying she had some possible heart failure. Mom has never had problems with her heart. Finally, they decided that she was not getting enough protein which can cause fluid build up. Mom has AD as well as the lung cancer and trying to get the right foods in has been difficult. With lots of peanut butter and the addition of an easily soluble prescription iron pill of which I don't know the name the swelling has stopped. You may want to ask your Dr about this possibility. Especially, if he has lost so much weight.

  2. Beth,

    This may bother some people but my husband did it when he lost his mother then again when he lost his sister. He had a real hard time giving up the ashes so he decided to keep some of them in his mother's favorite perfume bottle. Then he sprayed the rest. He only kept less then a thimblefull but he feels he still has part of her with him.


  3. Wow Patty, you and I are in the same boat. I've been lurking for awhile and your post made me respond. My Mom also has Alzheimer's and Lung Cancer and it's really difficult to make decisions on how much to fight the lung cancer. Radiation was very successful and gave us a nice summer. We started Gemzar which she tolerates well except for the fatigue. I know we're fighting two horrid beasts but I've come to the conclusion that continuing to fight the cancer is most important.Although, others disagree with me, because they wonder about Mom's quality of life. I believe ones quality of life is ever changing. She laughs, is still witty and very loving. The AD doesn't hurt her, she is now at a stage where she is unaware she has it. Lung cancer will begin to hurt her. I want to keep her pain free as long as I can. I'm blessed my Mom is still an easy going person, but it's still a lot of work and I empathise with what you're going thru

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