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Posts posted by PaulaWKY

  1. Thank you everyone so much for your support. Mom started chemo a couple of Fridays ago. We had hoped everything was going to go well for her but by Wednesday she was back in the ER. We have had problems getting her to eat and drink. She said her favorite drinks/foods no longer taste good to her. We have tried different foods/drinks hoping one of them will taste right to her but so far no go. Because of all of this she ended getting severely dehydrated. She had been vomiting up all she ate or was constantly in the bathroom. Because of the dehydration and a change that her doctors made to her blood pressure medication her blood pressure bottomed out. When I got to the hospital it was 70/50 and she had been there a while.

    She ended up staying in the hospital until this past Sunday. I've been at the hospital with her so I'm just now able to post an update. This has been so frustrating and I feel like my hands are tied with her. The hospital stay was good for her mainly because she hates it so much. Hopefully she realizes now that us telling her how important it is for her to drink/eat isn't just us blowing hot air. Hopefully now she realizes how serious it is.

    On a good note my mom got the wonderful news the day she went into the ER that I'm expecting her first grand daughter in June. She has two grandsons already but has been dying for a grand daughter for some time. My brother is also expecting his second in July so maybe she will be getting two grand daughters very soon. Something for all of us to look forward to.

    I hope everyone and your families are doing well.


  2. Hi Heather,

    Like you I'm a new poster as well. I'm sorry we have to meet because of something like this, but glad that we have a place like this to offer support. My husband is a huge Red Wings fan (we live in Predator country). I wish your husband the best. He is a little younger than me and I hope and pray strong enough to fight this and become one of many success stories I have seen on here.

    Good luck to you both.


  3. Hello Everyone,

    I'm sorry we have to meet under these kind of circumstances. Yesterday my mom was diagnosed with SCLC of the left lung. She will be undergoing a PET Scan today to see if a spot on her kidney has also been affected.

    This whole rollercoaster ride started this past Friday and already this is consuming all of our lives. We had so much hope that it was something else but the more test results came back the more we knew the news was not going to be good.

    She has has several scans (bone, stomach, brain) all showing NED. So far the only other area that might be affected is her kidney.. but we will know for sure after the PET scan.

    My mom is only 53 years old and in no way ready to leave this earth yet. I know her fight is just starting and I'll support her through all of it.

    I'm due to deliver my 2nd child.. my mom's 3rd grandchild in June. Her 4th grandchild is due in July of this year. We have so much to look forward to but this has thrown us all.

    I have already posted/introduced myself on the SCLC board but I also wanted to introduce myself here as well. Thank you so much for the responses already and the private messages. This seems like a very supportive and informative board. Thank you for being here so I can share this difficult journey with you.


  4. Hello Everyone,

    My mother was just diagnosed today with small cell lung cancer of the left lung. The doctor did scans of her brain, stomach and bones and so far these scans have come up with no cancer. They did notice during a CT Scan a spot on her right kidney. They have a PET Scan scheduled for tomorrow to check the spot on her kidney.

    My mom is 53 years old and has 3 children.. 2 grandchildren so far but is expecting 2 more in the coming year. My mom smoked from the time she was a teenager until she was diagnosed. Her smoking did the opposite to me I've never touched one and never will.

    If anyone has information or a good website that provides information on this I would appreciate it. This has been a shocking and upsetting time for our family. I thought for a long time something like this could happen but never really thought it would happen to my mom. I'm still trying to process this and get as much information as I can to educate myself and my family. Good luck to all of you..


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