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Posts posted by m2e2r2

  1. Just found you all today so am still finding my way around on the site. Have been on other message boards before and have learned so much from all of you out there.

    When I was first diagnosed in 1999 they gave me a 5% possibility of living 5 years. At 5 years I dropped an email to my thoracic surgeon to tell him I'm still around. He responded that some people beat all the odds and

    we don't know why. In your case I think it's pure determination.

    I don't see myself as all that determined and I was sure the diagnosis was a death sentence. I lost my mom to lung cancer when she was 57 and two days post surgery. Lost my husband to LC 3 months after diagnosis in 1995. I stand on their shoulders.

    I wake each day grateful to be alive. While I am on oxygen 24/7, I remain active. Two days a week I volunteer at MD Anderson. I'm a telephone buddy with a local organization called Can Care. I'm also active in my local church and am currently taking two classes.

    Happy to have found you all.


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