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Posts posted by teresasuesan

  1. Hello Everyone,

    An interesting day. I got my negative Pet results from my gp. I had asked the thorasic surgeon to call him because the waiting was driving us into the ground. Well, lesson learned about taking shortcuts.

    Sat and discussed everything w/the surgeon today. The radiologist misread the films, the nodule has not changed in size, still 5-6 mm. He said the Pet picks it up at 7. So, we are going to repeat the ct (in his bldg.) in 3mos. He said that he is not about to sit back and watch it grow, but he doesn't want to subject me to the risks involved in a biopsy if there's no change. He said he wouldn't even be concerned if I didn't have such a long smoking history, but he'd be watching it anyways.

    I learned a lesson....

    Have a great evening!

  2. Hello Everyone!

    I'm still celebrating my negative Pet. However, I would appreciate input. I read an old article stating that the Pet is 82 percent accurate on the lung. Sine they have been tearing down our mountains for years, and I travel a lot to very remote jungles,it could be anything, but I really want answers as to why this thing doubled in size since July. I am planning on asking the thorasic about biopsies. (My mind went blank today!)


  3. Hello Everyone,

    The doctor said that at 1.4 cm it should have shown up if positive. They are going to repeat the ct in 3 months. As I've said, they've been cutting down our mountains for a very long time, and I do travel to very remote jungles, so who knows.

    Thank-you for all of your much needed support!


  4. Hello All,

    I have read many of your stories, and I am confused. I am told that the Pet is so sensitive. Now, I understand why other things can light up, but I do not understand how something can measure a certain size on a Pet, yet accounts of much larger tumors removed in surgery.

    I have tried to post a few times, but it has not happened. Anyways, doctor is calling Monday morning w/appts. for Pet & thorasic surgen. I expect those to be over by mid week.

    Positive vibes to all.

  5. We went to CR last May, and we had an amazing time. Initially, bought a lodge vacation on Ebay, but ended up spending time on both coasts. I live to travel, and I am always searching for deals.

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Hello Everyone,

    I came in new last week. My mind is starting to dwell,( the waiting ) and I'm thinking that I need some options. Don't we all?

    When a nodule has grown, what else could it be? I've researched the "valley fever" thing, and it just doesn't seem to fit.



  7. Hello Everyone,

    Back in the summer, I was online searching for info, and at that time, I only found Pet info.I have a pacemaker, and some other blood pressure and heart issues, and I was in the local hospital due to chest pains, and that was the first ct. Last night, I tried "thorasic surgery," and that's how I ended up here. ( Actually, I believe that my grandma, my guardian angel guided me to this site) I really didn't even know what I was doing.

    I live in Southern California, and they have been tearing down all of our mountains, and building homes for a long time. I've been told that they've seen about four cases of valley fever.

    If it isn't, does catching it early mean no chemo or radiation, or does it depend on type and stage?

    Words cannot express my sincere appreciation, but tears of joy feel wonderful! Thank-you soooooooo much, and my best to all of you!

  8. Hello,

    I am a 51 yr old female, and I've been a smoker since the age of 15.

    Had a lung ct in July, and it picked up a 5-6mm spot on left lower lobe. Then I had a Petscan, and they said it was too small to characterize.

    Had a ct w/contrast done on feb. 24, and thhe spot is now 1.4cm. They're ordering another Petscan, and referring me to a thorasic surgeon. Does anyone have any input? (besides loose the cigs) The doctor said that they are definitely going to have to go in and figure out what we're dealing with. I don't know what to expect, feels like an out of body experience!


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