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Posts posted by vicky_b

  1. Thanx ev1 for replying,

    I stay in New Delhi, India. It is not humid in March.

    I went to a subsidised government Hospital for xray and Check up.

    The Docs there have many patients to take care of(India's huge population), so he checked me up quickly in about 2 min, then saw my Xray and said that nothing is wrong.

    Gave a few Anti allergic medicines and told me to go home. I told him that i smoked ocassionally(8 cigs a day...sorry couldnt tell the truth).

    I think i will wait for another 2-3 days.

    I coughed out a bloody sputum today too :(

  2. Thanks a lot for ur help :D

    I have my exams next month and cant concentrate... I have got a chest X Ray done and the report says OK..a few last queries

    1.Should i go for a CT Scan?

    2.Or should i wait and see if the symptoms improve?

    3.If its an internal wound then how much time does it take to heel?

    Thanx in advance

  3. My First post but i am scared,

    I have been smoking 8-10 cigarettes a day for the past 3 years and i am 21 yrs old...

    I cough out blood streaked sputum once a day for the past 15 days... Its just a streak of blood that too not everyday...

    i cant tell my parents and i cant afford a doctor myself...

    Everything else is fine with me... and i dont smoke any more...

    Is it possible to get lung cancer at my age with a smoking history of 3 yrs??

    Plz help

    I cant concentrate on anything

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