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I2standfor hope

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Posts posted by I2standfor hope

  1. Hi everyone,

    I am Peggy’s youngest sister, Linda. Since Peggy joined your site, soon after Don’s diagnosis of lung cancer, she has often discussed with me what a wonderful support system all of you have been. I would like to extend my thanks to all of you for your words of hope, comfort, and support to my very dearest sister.

    I was about 10 or 11 years old when Don first came into my life. First, he was only a name, a “guy” that Peggy was dating and seemed to be pretty crazy about. Later, I remember her standing in the living room, hand in hand with Don, announcing to our Mom, Dad and I that the two of them were getting married. My first reaction was more of a feeling of a sense of loss, that I somehow was losing my big sister, when instead, I was gaining a big brother.

    Don was a man with high standards. He was compassionate, kind and giving, although he would never admit it. Don always had a way of putting the world into perspective with witty analogies and antidotes. I liken him to Will Rogers. He rarely laughed out loud. Instead, he would stretch his neck, lower his chin, and light up with a huge ear to ear grin displaying a combination delight and mischief. The look seemed to be saying, “Hey, it may not be politically correct, but it’s the truth and damn funny at that!” And it usually always was. He was quite clever, and I must admit, I stole his lines as my own on more than one occasion.

    You always knew exactly where you stood with Don. He didn’t beat around the bush or sugar coat anything. His opinion became the one I often dreaded, but respected above all others. He didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear, but what he honestly felt. I didn’t always agree, but I always listened and considered his words. He usually ended up being right.

    Over the years, Don was always there for me and the rest of my family in times of need. He treated me like his little sister, protecting me; defending me and bailing me out of more than one jam that I managed to get myself into.

    It’s difficult, when referring back on 40 years of memories to sum up the impact a person has had on your life. If I could measure his value in my life in terms of gold, I would be billionaire. I don’t know that I’ve ever known a man with his combination attributes. Over the years, he became my brother and one of my few true friends. Thank you Don.

    I would also like to add a little regarding my wonderful sister. If I know Peggy, she has gone out of her way on numerous occasions to help as many of you as she felt she could reach. That is the kind of person she is in everything she does, every day of her life. Thank you all again for helping her in ways that no one else could.

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