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Posts posted by Shirlie

  1. I didnt get sick with the first one.I couldn't eat.I was very fatigued for about 4 days just wanted to sleep all the time no energy to even move and my right leg hurt. Chemo drugs are taxol and carboplatin.

  2. I am going for my 2nd treatment on 06-12

    I just heard that you feel worse after each treatment. Is this true? What does it mean feel worse? Am I going to be sick longer than I was with the 1st one or am I going to be sicker.

  3. I feel that I am lucky. My cancer was caught early.

    In Jan while walking I got a pain in the left side of my neck. then my neck started hurting while I was just sitting watching tv. Figured I better go and see if there was something wrong with my heart.

    Stress test came back fine. nothing wrong with my heart. The dr noticed that my neck was swollen on the left side, and sent me for an mri. The mri showed the mass on the upper lobe of my right lung. was then sent to pulmonologist. He ordered a pet scan. The pet scan showed possible malignancy rt lung. A large mass on my thyroid and a blockage in my left kidney. He sent me immediately for a needle biopsy of the lung after the biopsy the lung collapsed (very painful and I was admitted for the night.Biopsy came back malignant. Was sent to Moffitt cancer center and was operated on April 4 2006 he removed the upper lobe of he right lung. All lymph nodes came back negative.

    May 3 had needle biopsy of the thyroid. I dont care to ever have one of those again. It came back negative. but because the mass is so large the are going to remove part of my thyroid sometime after I am finished with the chemo. I have an appointment at the end of june to see what is wrong with my kidney.

    believe it or not I always considered myself a very healthy person. but I will alway be thankful for the pain in my neck without that they would never have discovered the mass on the lung.

  4. I feel a lot better today. Chemo on Monday. Felt ok on Tuesday. Wed & thurs completely wiped out. It was all I could do to make it from a chair to the sofa to the bed. I have had a lot of pain in my rt hip and leg. I have used a heating pad and tylenol. doesnt seem to help. Last night I took advil. It seems to have helped some. Every once in a while I get a sharp shooting pain in my ear. It goes away after a little while but it sure hurts while its there. It seems like the chemo finds your weak spots and attacks them.

  5. Everything went good yesterday. I didn't need to get nervous about at all. I didn't have any reaction to any of the drugs. It was a very long day they started 2 hours late something about paper work and we didnt get home untill 9:30 last night.

    My face is very red this morning any suggestions on what that is. I have reread all of my literature and can't find anything about it anywhere.

    I feel fine but I did take nausea med this am after breakfast. Hope I am not starting it too soon. I did go and buy a box of gingersnap cookies,and some gingerale.

    Thanks for all the prayers, and advice. I will keep you updated on the side effects (if I have any) maybe I won"t

  6. Today is my first of 4 chemo treatments I am going to get one every 21 days. I feel good that it is only 4 treatments. Getting Taxol and Carboplatin.

    I know what they are going to do to me, but I don't know what it is going to do to me. Makes me very nervous. I have read a lot of posts on here while snooping before registering. Thanks for sharing the things you have experienced. I did receive a lot of literature about chemo for Moffitt but to hear from people that are going through it is more help than you can get from any book.

  7. Thank you for your replies. I do love to read so I will take a book with me. I also like the idea of sleeping part of the time. I am going to look into getting a wig ahead of time. I will agree with you about the people on this site. From every post that I have read the people seem to be very helpful,encouraging and very caring.

  8. I had surgery on 4-04-06. Diagnosis lcsc stage 1b. Dr removed upper lobe of right lung. All lumph nodes came back neg. Going to start chemo next week. 4 treatments 1 every 3 weeks. Drugs are taxol and carboplatin. I have been reading some of the post on here and they are very helpful, especially how the side effects from the chemo differ from one person to another. I am so grateful that I found this site. I feel better about what can possibley happen to me. Can some one tell me what they are going to do to me the first day when I get to the hosp.

    Do you wear a wig when you go out?


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