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Posts posted by cherylh

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I haven't updated everyone in a while so thought I had better get to it. First of all, we had a very nice Thanksgiving. My daughter Jennifer and her husband Eric were here visiting from Denver, the weather was good and Mike was having a GOOD week. So all in all it was a very good week.

    On Thursday, November 30th, Mike had his third chemo treatment which was his first treatment in Hannibal, MO. I thought everything went well. Mike and I both really like Dr. Bari, the facility was very nice and so were the nurses. They had his chemo port accessed with in 30 seconds. (The last chemo in Columbia, MO they tried for over an hour and never did access the port so they had to put an IV in his arm for the chemo.) Mike is very tired, has alot of aches and pains and he is still having trouble with the blood clot that showed up last month. The after effects of the chemo have been much more sever this time, including the nausea. They added a new drug called Zometa to help guard against bone deterioration due to the cancer and the chemo treatments. He also ended up with a rash this time so maybe we will have to do without the Zometa. Anyway, considering how bad he feels at times, I think he has a good outlook on things and a good attitude. Dr. Bari has been more encouraging than the Dr.s in Columbia and he was able to talk to some encouraging people during chemo Thursday. If all goes well his next treatment will be December 21. Sometime after that treatment he will have another scan to see how things are going.

    As always, I am so glad I found this web site.


  2. I am very sorry to hear about your dad. I know how scarry and overwhelming it all is. My husband was recently diagnosed with adenocarcenoma stage IV. We still have alot of hope and with God's help he will be around for many years to come. The people on this site are very encouraging and informative. I encourage you to continue posting questions and seeking support. It has helped me alot.

    You will be in my prayers


  3. My husband was dianosed with stage IV adeno lung cancer with met to left hip. He had his first chemo - Taxol/Carbo. He did pretty well. Had alot of pain but things were going well until yesterday. he started having pain in his neck. I took him to the local doctor and he put him in the hosp. with a blood clot. Apparently this can be a side affect of chemo. Has anyone ever had this problem? They are trying to thim his blood and they they will disolve the clot. He is suppose to have his next chemo next thursday.


    Sorry I missed the chat - I was looking forward to that

  4. I have never posted anything to a message board before, so I hope I am doing this right.

    My husband has recently been diagnosed with nsclc adenocarcenoma stage IV. It was just a fluke that we found it. He started out with a cough in july that they said was due to sinus drainage. They kept giving him different antibiotics to help with the sinus infection. Nothing helped. They finally did an x-ray which revealed a spot. Compared it to x-ray from three years ago. No change. They said three years ago it was scar tissue. Cough continued so they did a CT scan and then sent us to an oncologyst! My husband has never smoked but does work in a cabnet factory where they use different woods, paint thinners, cleaners, etc. Don't know if this makes any difference. Nothing I read on the web is very encouraging about lung cancer especially stage IV. They doctors are not very encouraging. He has a tumor in his right lung and a small spot on his left hip. Before they found the spot on his hip it was all about the cure. Now all they talk about is containment, I wish someone could explain the change to me. He just had his first chemo treatment (taxol/carbo) two days ago. He is doing ok but seems very depressed. He feels like he has been handed a death sentence. Is this true? I have him on all the prayer lists, but am wondering how to get his spirits up. Part of the problem is that he had a brother die of cancer (melanoma)two years ago. The prescribed treatment is chemo once every three weeks and they will do another scan in 3 to 4 months. Is this the usual treatment for stage IV.

    I would appreciate any encouraging info especially about stage IV.



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