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Posts posted by cmays82

  1. First I just want to say thanks for all the encourgement I recive at the site. It allways make me feel just a little bit better. I do try to keep a positive attitude thru this battle of mine. I have a great support system of family and friends. My daughter is so supportive. Sometimes I dont know what I would do without her. At the same time it just get so overwhelming for me. Now I have broken out in a rash on my back, face, and legs. The itching drives me crazy. They gave me an ointment to use but I cant put it thru the week because of radiation treatment. you know its not so much knowing that I have cancer, its the side effects of having this disease that gets to me.

  2. Hi everyone. Yesterday I didnt go to my radiation treatment, which I only have 8 days left to take. I didn't go to my chemo treatment also. I am getting tired. I cant understand why since I am almost at the end of my treatments I dont want to go. I'm scared of what I might be told. I already know that after my treatments they still cant remove my tumor because of its location. So my tumor will always be there? I'm scared of what I will be told after my treatments are over. I'm just so depressed right now. I know I have came a long way, but not knowing what is going to happen scares me. I have a antidepressive med, but I am not suppose to take it because of my liver. I keep have the sweats. I have radiation treatment this morning I am going, I know its for my benefit. I am forcing myself to go. My appetite is changing again where I dont want to eat. I just dont know what to do.

  3. Hi tracy. Sorry to hear of your husbands diagnose. But there is hope. I was diagnoed with stage 3 small cell lung cancer in August of this year. It is now November and I am feeling better. I receive radation treatment 5 days and week and chemo once a week. Tracy i think i am willing my fight because of my atttitude. I didnt wallow in sorrow that i had cancer. My attitude was what can we do about it. Half of the battle is your attitude. You will find a lot of support and inspiration at this site. I know I did. I got advice of eating when i couldnt. I got hope from others stories. Come to the site often. Hope to hear from you.

  4. i understand you are scared. I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Where it is located they cannot operate because of blood vessels and veins. When they diagnosed me the first thing i thought to myself was how am i going to tell my daugther. As a parent we protecet our kids from bad news when they are little. But I relaized that you are always are kids and we are always going to protect you. I know when my doctor told me my diagnose I was glad my daughter wasn't there. First of all I had to let it sink in myself. Then I cryed and I was just gald she wasn't

    there to see my like that. Let your mom have her moment by herself first, then go to her.

  5. i am feeling a lot better. I am eating like i used to before treatments. I dont get as tired as before. I must confess that this scares me. Is the treatment not working? Or is the treatment working? Why do I have lung cancer and insist upon still smoking? I also have a lot of mucus in me. Sometimes I actually have to vomit to get it out of me. Has anyone else experince this or have any information on why I have so much mucus?

  6. Well today i feel a lot better reading your responses. you guys help me understand a lot of things i was was having trouble with. i didnt go to my treatment today. i just couldnt. i had a bad night,i couldnt sleep, i dont have any medicine for discomfort. i know those sound like excuses and they well be. i think i was just a little scared. because when i went and lay down with my daughter i went right to sleep. what am i afraid of sometime i dont know. i just get scared. does anyone out there have this feeling or had this feeling in their throat like there is some kind of plug in it that needs to be coughed up? i am going to go have a small snack even though i dont feel hungry. talk to you guys later today i am sure. bye.

  7. hi i am back again. i am restless. i said i was lennons girl mom but i forget to say my name is cindi. this cancer thing is so confusing to me. first of all i hate the fact that things i used to take for granted i cant do. it makes me cry. like i cant walk more than 15 feet by myself and even if i have someone to lean on i still end up washed out. i cant go to the store. i have rode the bus since i have been diagnosed and i scare to try to. my doctors tell me to eat more. i try somedays i do good and other days i dont. does anyone have any suggetions on that. i go to chemo tomorrow i dread it. i feel so lousy afterwards. there are so many things running thru my mind i cant put them down all at one. i have started smoking again. what is that a death wish. i have to go cry. bye

  8. Hi I am Lennons girl mom. I finally came to the website. I was diagonsed with lung cancer in August.At first it was a terrible thing to hear. But before I went to the emergency room I kind of thought I had cancer. See my symtoms were i was alwawys tired and I ran very high fevers. It strange because I dont feel sick. I dont have any pain, I dont look any differnt, except for the weight and hair loss. I have 2 more weeks of treatment. Hopefully very thing will come out alright. I dont know if anyone will understand this but sometimes I think I make myself feel bad. I think I have cancer so I should always feel sick, which I dont. I am getting tired sitting up right now. I just wanted to come to site talk to people who share my illness. Maybe next time I come I can stay on longer.

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