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Posts posted by vassar36

  1. Sorry that you are going though this...my mother had WBR a few months ago b/c of her brain mets. Chemo after.

    The reason they did the WBR on mom was b/c she had multiple brain mets, and the location of the mets was such that cyber knife etc might have caused a lot of damange to the surrounding tissues, at least that is what the doctors said. Hope that helps a bit.....

  2. Thanks for all the advice. It is so helpful to be able to post on here and have you all respond.

    The kids seemed a little better last night, so maybe we'll see. I am hoping they continue to improve today and tonight etc. We are leaving the house at 4:30am on Friday morning, so i think i am going to see if it gets better or worse and then i guess make a last mintue decison. I have arranged for us to stay at a friend of the family's house (thanks for the suggestion) while we are down there, so mom can have minimal exposure to the girls. My mom's friend also agreed to have the party over her house too, so the kids won't be in mom's house too much either spreading whatever germs they have. My mom said she'd wear a mask, and she seems excited to see the kids and for the party (as the hoildays seem more exciting when you have little kids around; esp my 3 year old who is a spitfire, with bright red hair, and makes my mom laugh alot) So I will be holding on to hope that they will continue to get better and it will be a nice trip for all of us.

  3. Hi everyone,

    We (my 2 daughters 3 & 5yr old & husband) have plans to go down and see mom agian this Friday, but they are starting to cough a bit. I live in Mass and my mom lives in Miami, so to go down takes planning and advanced plane tickets, planned vacation form work etc. Last time we went down was for Thanksgiving, and the kids had colds/coughs but we went down anyway and mom really didn't want to be near them b/c she was afraid of getting sick before she started her chemo. Now she is on her chemo, has a rash and doesn't want to get sick. She loves the kids and I know it makes her happy to see them, but I just don't know what to do. They are not that sick that I need to take them to the doctor, and I don't want to overmedicate them, but everytime I hear one cough in thier sleep, it starts to worry me wondering if i should take them down. I feel torn b/c on one hand, they are kids, up north, in the winter time, they go to day care FT, and will always be somewhat sick esp in the near future. But if my mom doesn't have alot of time left than I want her to be able to see them as much as possible. But if they are sick and get my mom sick that would be horrible too. My husband has offered to stay at home with them this weekend if i decide that they are too sick to go, but i know that my mom will be upset b/c we she won't see them and we were planning on a hanukkah party when we went down there. I guess I just don't know what to do. Any advice?

  4. Fodao,

    You might want to try this one out: I usally don't give up this recipe but of course will for this board, My friend who taught me it called it "Man Trap" Chicken,, she said she used to make it for her boyfriends if she thought they were keepers.

    Anyway, you get thin sliced chicken, cut it up into strips. Get out a bowl of olive oil and in another bowl put 3 parts flour; 1 part sugar; and sprinkle some crazy salt on it. Mix that up. Set oven to 450 and get a casorole dish out. Put alumin foil on the bottom of the dish (this is where you'll lay the chcken out and willmake clean up very easy) Dip the chicken pieces in the olive oil and then roll them in the flour surgar salt mixture one at a time. Place them in the cassorole dish and bake them for about 30 - 45 min. Make mashed potatoes add a bit of sugar in them too. This is my husband's favorite recipe and he requests i make it once a week. Add more sugar for a sweeter taste if nessecary...good luck there are plenty of great recipes on so far so i guess you'll have lots of cooking to do.

  5. kimberliebishop

    First I am sorry about your mom. I can't answer your question about how will WBR affect your mom, as every person is different. But my mom just finished 6wks of WBR b/c of tumors in the brain. (Dx in Oct 2006) So far she hasn't had too bad of an effect from the WBR, she still has her tastebuds and can eat & still execises a bit too. I am assuming all of that will change once she starts her 1st round of chemo next week. But as far as the WBR I don't think it affected her quality of life too much...

  6. I spoke to my mom last night and asked her if I can call the Dr, she said she didn't want me to call b/c it would be too much of a bother and to just ask my stepdad the info I told her OK. (I didn't tell her this but:I didn't know if i was going to respect her wishes or not.) So then she had my stepdad call me back after we got off the phone to ask me why i wanted to talk to the doctor and i told him what i wanted to ask the doctor about, and that I wanted mom to get a 2nd opinion up closer to me either at Mass General or Dana Faber and/or Sloan Kittery in NY anyway, mom cried and was very upset and said she doesn't want a 2nd opinion b/c she believes the Drs that are treating her in Miami will heal her, and if she gets a 2nd opinion it would be like saying that the doctors she has now are wrong and they can't cure her and she is going to die. So now I made her upset and and cry which i feel horrible about. She also was adament that I not talk to her doctors, and anything i have to find out I can do so through either her or my stepdad. Mom dosen't like to hear negative things and usually when my stepdad talks to the dr she is with him, and I want mom to have a postive attitude. So i just feel so confused and like a terible daugter, I don't want to upset my mom any more by pushing her for a 2nd opinion but at the same time I feel like the doctors down in Miami have almost written her off. Other than making yet another plane reservation to go down there and visit her (which i just did) I don't know what else to do.

  7. Well they finally found the primary source of mom's cancer, they found it in the lympnodes near the lungs. Orginally they found brain mets and not much on the CT/PET, but from the biposy of one of the brain tumors they said it was probablly lung cancer. They did a broncoscpy?? test on Monday and took some lympnodes, the pathology results show that mom's primary spot to be in the lympnodes of the lung. Its hard for me to find out if this is good or bad without upsetting mom or my stepdad too much b/c i live so far away from mom and i get everything second hand. When i look on the internet sites it just seems all so bad...can someone please tell me what this means?

  8. Thank You so much for all your kind replies. It gives me some comfort to know that there are others out there that went though similar experiences. I spoke to Mom today and she is keeping her spirits up and my stepdad is taking good care of her.

    Trish 2418, Mom is in Miami,FL she 1st admitted to a hospital in Ft Laud. that we didn't like, (we couldn't get a Dr in the room when mom had a scary reaction to the dye from the PET/CT and they thought she might have been having a stroke etc. I thought i was watching my mom die), so we got her tranfered to Jackson memorial for the brain surgry, Dr Heros, and she has gotten refferals from that point on to other doctors b/c 1st they thought it was the primary source, and then they didn't know and now she sees a couple of dotors including a pulmany doctor, its hard for me to keep all these doctors straight.

    Anyway thanks for all your kind words, all of this seems so sureal at times, and its nice to be able to express what i am feeling beacuse i feel like i have to hold it togther at work and with the kids.

  9. Hello Everyone,

    Last month, my otherwise heathly mom, who lives in FL (I live in MA) was supposed to come visit me and the kids for columbus day weekend. Well she was walking funny and went to the doctor the day before the visit and they did alot of tests and then they did an MRI. Long story short in about a week they had performed brain surgry to remove one of the tumors and said she had cancer but they couldn't find the primary site. The did a PET/CT Scan and said just a few small things "lit up" but it was too small to determine where the primary site was. They did a bioposy on the brain tumor and said it was probably lung cancer. They just took some lympnodes? of of her lung area yesterday and they will biospy that to see I am not sure what? So far they have given a 3 month to 3 year diagnosis (which seems like a pretty big range...) What i don't get is how she seems so healthy but can have lung cancer and why does it not show up on the PET CT scan or any of the other test they did...has anyone had a simialiar situation? What did you do or what would you recommend. Mom is getting WBR and chemo with a pill. (just started both last week) I just feel so terriblly heart broken and confused and angry at the doctors who keep on saying that medicne is not an "exact science"

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