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Posts posted by DanaBrooke

  1. Jadyn Reise was born Nov 21st 4:30 pm

    Jadyn named after my mom Joan who I know is watching over her. Jadyn was born on my dad's birthday. I am so in love with this little girl and can't wait to post pictures. Hope you're all doing well and I am so happy to be able to post such great news.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! 2nd birthday I can't pick up the phone or hug my beautiful mom. We all love you mom and miss you - no words can say how much we miss you!! Happy 58th Birthday mom!

  3. Hi all- thanks for all your happy thoughts! We are so excited- we still have time which I am happy about because I feel like we have SO much to do before. Due date is Nov 18th! Nov is a lucky month for our family- My birthday is the 26th- dads the 21st and brothers the 4th so she is coming at a busy time! I am so excited I can post happy news. I will keep you all updated of course! Best wishes to all!

  4. Today is one year since I lost my beautiful amazing mother. Whoever said time heals the pain is - WRONG! Each day is just that much harder- I have lots of good things coming up in my life and my mom should be with me to enjoy them- I miss her so much. This disease is just so unfair and SUCKS!

  5. Well as for a lot of us on this board Sunday will be a very hard day. May 15th will be one year since I lost my mom to this horrible disease. With a lot of sad things coming up I wanted to share some happy news for once with everyone. I am expecting! A Nov baby! I can just feel my mom watching over me and just trying to focus on the good things to keep me going...

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