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Posts posted by debmc

  1. My husband, Keith, came home from the hospital Tuesday night. Considering he had the brain tumor removed Friday, that was pretty quick. He's doing very well, everything went well. His incision with the staples across the top of his head looks like a zipper. He will get 5 whole head radiation treatments in September.

  2. My husband went a little nuts on decadron. He was restless and would go into a mad rage when the least little thing went wrong. The kids tried to stay far, far away from him. He just had his brain surgery Friday and is still in the hospital but is still on the decadron and say the Dr. will be slowly weaning him off it.

  3. My husband, Keith, had his brain tumor removed yesterday. Everything went well. They removed it all. He will be having around 5 radiation treatments later. I called this morning and his vitals were all good. He will be in Intensive Care for a couple of days. Thanks for everyone's prayers and good wishes. After I get through this day at work, I am having a week off. Thank Heavens!

    ps They did not substitute the brain of a chicken (too many Bugs Bunny cartoons as a child).

  4. Well, after the MRI and Catscan on Tuesday, we saw the surgeon today. The good news is that there is no sign of any cancer aside from the dying lung tumor and this new small tumor in the brain. The surgeon will remove it next Friday and then there will be radiation.

    We are feeling very positive about everything. The surgeon was great. Of course, it helps that I am on Paxil. Probably why I feel like singing a lot, too.

    In the meantime, here I sit at my job in Customer Service while everyone complains about the stupidest little things and I feel like saying "YOU call that a problem?" But, I don't, I just smile and think positive (Paxil) thoughts.

  5. Remember that oldie but goodie? I wrote back in Apri or May that things were going well. My husband had an orange sized tumor in his right lung shrink to the size of a deflated plum after his radiation and chemo. He went back to work the end of April. Two weekends ago, he stared feeling numb on the right side and on Monday he went to the Outdoor of the hospital and they did a catscan. Turns out he had a brain tumor on the left side of his brain and they put him on steroids. We saw the oncologist on Friday and he scheduled an MRI and a body catscan for this morning. He also had a chest xray on Friday and the lung tumor is just opague now. They can see right through it. They read his MRI and catscan while he was there this morning and he ran into our oncologist right afterwards and words like "pea-sized", "superficial" were mentioned in regards to the brain tumor which we can't help but think is positive news. Our next step is that the brain surgeon is going to call within a couple of days to set up an appointment to see if this thing can be surgically removed. In the meantime, anyone want to join me in a chorus of "We'll sing in the sunshine, you know we'll laugh everyday." Oh, BTW, my husband is still riding his motorcycle that he got in April, in fact, he thinks its one of the best things he ever did. I continue to pray for all of us.

  6. A year ago, someone asked me to buy a candle for the Relay for Life and dedicate to someone I knew who had cancer. I said I would buy a candle but I didn't know anyone with cancer. Ironically, Father's Day Weekend, last year, my husband went for a chest x-ray as he thought he had a chest infection and our long journey into Cancer Land began.

    After he had the first biopsy, the Dr. took me aside (husband still out and no results back yet) and told me it was probably cancer and he would probably have a year to live. Last Friday night, my husband, one of our daughters, our dog and I walked the first lap of the Relay for Life with the other cancer survivors.

    Its been a long hard year. My husband couldn't be operated on because of the position of the tumor and he had chemo and radiation. People dropped us. He got pneumonia and radiation pneumonitits.

    He is now doing well. He is back at work and bought a motorcyle just because he always wanted one. We are enjoying everyday now and are not putting off things (1) until we're older (2) the kids are grown (3) we have more money etc etc.

    I pray for each and everyone of you and for everyone up against this devastation disease.

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