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Posts posted by mary1958

  1. I have read some of your stories and can say, my story does not begin to compare to the struggles many of you have had and the courage you have shown in fighting your diseases.

    I just wanted to let you all know that I saw the pulmonologist today and although he cannot state with 100 percent certainty that the nodules may not develop into something more, he is pretty confident that they are not cancerous. They are quite small and I have had absolutely no symptoms. This was the news I needed to hear. The past two weeks have been the worst of my life. I now feel like my life can go on although I will need to have the nodules followed up for a period of time given my past smoking history.

    I want to wish each of you luck in your continued treatment. My hopes and prayers will be with each of you and if I ever have to face what you have been facing, I only hope I have the courage to face it as you all have.

    Take care!


  2. Good for you!!! I smoked for 30 years and after several failed attempts, I finally did it. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am now smoke free for 5 years. Keep it up and take it one day at a time!

  3. Thanks for all of your responses! I have a good friend who is a physician who is going to attend the appointment with me so if I am naked and experiencee memory loss (Thanks for that one Randy! :)), he will be there to ask all the right questions.

  4. Thank you all for your valuable insight. My anxiety is overwhelming me so I hope I can get some answers on Monday. I already have a follow-up CT scan scheduled in June. At least I know my PCP will not let this fall through the cracks.

    Does anyone have any experience with multiple nodules being found on an original scan? The stories I am reading all seem to be about either single nodules or, lesions large enough to biopsy.

    Thank you!


  5. Hi! I am not sure where the best spot is to post my questions but I guess I will start here. As I indicated in my intro, I have been found to have upwards of 8 or 9 nodules in both lungs. The largest is 5 mm. I have an appointment with a pulmonologist on Monday but am not quite sure of what I should be asking when I see him. The information I seem to be hearing is that small nodules are hard to biopsy. Should I expect to be told that it will be a watch and wait game? At what point may a PET scan be considered? From experience, can the look of the nodules, no matter how small, be more indicative of malignancy versus a benign finding? I have so many questions but not sure which should be asked given the small size of the nodules. Is there a significance to a larger number of nodules versus a signle nodule? Are these the questions I should be asking? If anyone has any suggestions of things I should be asking please let me know! Any information you can give me so I can be prepared will be greatly appreciated!


  6. Hi. My name is Mary and I am new to this board. I was so thrilled to find a place where others are experiencing the same thing I am.

    I am I guess what is referred to as a "nodule watcher". Doesn't sound quite as much fun as being a "whale watcher"!

    I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because of pain I was having in my rib area. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that I had broken a rib. Pain with breathing, sneezing, laughing, etc. Plainf films showed nothing but the pain continued so a CT scan was done. I knew when my doctor left a message for me to call her that there was something wrong. I had an acute rib fracture and two other fractures, none of which I could explain. In addition, there were mutiple nodules in various parts of both lungs. The largest was 5 mm, most were betwee 2-3. I have been a nervous wreck since I heard the news this past Monday. The 3 month wait will be forever. I am going to see a pulmonologist just to get another take on things. It is unclear if there is a correlation between the rib fractures and the lung nodules. I am at great risk for osteoporosis so a bone density study is being done next week. That may explain the rib fractures. The nodules themselves are pretty scary but when the non traumatic rib fractures are thrown in, makes it even scarier for me. I quit smoking 5 years ago after having smoked a pack a day for 30 years. I have absolutely no respiratory symptoms and in fact, run 1/2 marathons several times a year. As a matter of fact, just finished one a couple of weeks ago.

    I have been a wreck the last few days and even had to start up with my therapist. I know statistically, most small nodules are benign. I am more concerned about the number of nodules. I am reading that multiple nodules can be indicative of metastatic disease. I keep telling myself to not worry unless I find out that I really have something to worry about.

    Sorry this is so long. Just needed to get it out. Thans for listening!


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