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Posts posted by HrtofGold

  1. Thanks to all of you and your caring words. One of the questions that was asked was how old and what kind of cancer. Well he had his biopsy and the Dr's staged him as a stage 3B non small cell. After the surgery for the biopsy, he was informed his Thoracic surgeon was moving to another state. He was thrown for a loop as the previous Dr. we had seen was not very kind or caring and here he thought he found someone he could trust. So we got a appointment with a new Thoracic surgeon and the Dr's who did the surgery was also there. They confirmed stage3B cancer, quarter size tumor in left middle lung and lymph nodes in the center of the chest and collar bone are cancerous as well. Not a candidate for surgery at the time since it had spread to the other side. Had meeting today with a Oncologist and Radiologist at Dana Farber. Both Dr's were unable to give us any specifics to what his treatment would be until a MRI of the brain was done to see if it had spread to the brain. My heart goes out to him, after a month since we new it was lung cancer it just seems just when we get closer to treatment another road block. We were told it would be another 2 weeks before he would start to treat, how fustrating. What we seem to find is when we go to the appointments they never seem to have all the information. I was wondering if that has happened to anyone else? Well MRI tommorrow, I can feel good news :D. Update soon and thanks again from my heart for all your good wishes.

    Here is a little about him

    43 yrs old

    smoked for 30 yrs and has been smoke free for 30 days!

    only symptom was left chest pain.

    diagnosis stage3B

    Thanks again

    HrtofGold- Lynn

  2. I have been very encouraged by all your stories. My boyfriend of 7yrs has just been diagnosed with StageIIIB lung cancer. We have appointments next week with the oncologist and radialogist to determine treatment. My question to everyone. Besides my support and strength, what else can I do for him. What are some needs he might have and want while going through his treatments. I have gotten many suggestions, but all from people that have not gone through this. Any suggestions would be helpful.


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