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Posts posted by michellem

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. My mum had chemo and it has stopped for the moment. she isnt very well at the moment very tired, she has gone into a hospice for a few days to try and get her back on her feet. The doctors are just waiting a few months before any more treatment. She is stable at the moment, so I suppose that is good.

    thanks again

  2. Thanks for your replies. She is a bit better now and gradually getting back on her feet. Its amazing the difference. I know there are second opinions and that, but my mum doesnt want the hasstle, and we feel we will gain nothing from moving her. Its not just her onc who is treating us badly and seems to be useless, every doctor my mum has been to has messed up in some way, and all the nurses say different things every day and every single person contradicts one another. Its just unbelievable. So we dont trust any of them and think there is no point putting my mum through more by moving onc's when there is nothing they can say that will ever give me faith in doctors ever again. My mum was wrongly diagnosed for 5 months, and she was left in pain. We have no faith in the medical profession and each day with everyone we see just proves to us they cant help her. We are doing everything we can now to make mum as comfortable as possible and going down the alternative medicine route. Cancer is the worst thing in the world, and what is worse is we are alone because the doctors keep messing up.

  3. I know how you feel, my mum has stage 4 nsclc and she has been through some radiation and chemo, and it has totally wiped her out beyond belief, that she couldnt even speak and she has been in bed for weeks. But she has now stopped the radiation and chemo and she is feeling so much better, and gradually getting back on her feet. after seeing her at her worst I dont want her to go through any more treatment, it just seems so awful and pointless. It is the hardest thing in the world to see someone sufering like that, and you do feel so alone, you are totally normal for feeling the way you do. Try and get some help too, I have a councilor becasue I just couldnt cope with it all and I was so scared and upset.

    I really hope she feels a bit better soon

    Take care

  4. My mum's chemo has now finnished for the moment. She has some radiation on her lower spine too. She has been totally wiped out for days, litterally couldnt speak and just lay in bed. She is only getting back on her feet a bit now, but she is very very week. We hope its the treatment that has done this. And hope that she will feel better now that the treatment has stopped. All the doctors and nurses tell us different things every day, they even contradict each other in everything. Totally lost all faith in the medical profession. Myself and my sisters are at our witts end. We feel no one has a clue, and if they dont how are they supposed to save my mum.

  5. She is taking loads of different medication. The thing is it does work but then gradually the pain comes back again, and they up the dose, and then it works again for a while. They just upped the dose the other day again and she has been ok. She has started Radiation on the spine now too so hopefully that will help her.

    Thanks for your mail.

  6. Ow you poor thing, I have been reading your posts. You are doing so much for her you are really so great. We know here you are not exagerating, well i do anyway because my mum has had an awful time recently with pain, hilusinasions and weekness. You are taking on so much. I hope things get easier for you and you get some help from people around you.

    I will think of you and your mom in my prayers. take care

  7. You are all amazing thank you so much for your replies and your prayers, it means so much. We got a little good news today, the onc says the tumor has shrunk a very small bit, this is such great news for us because we are just so happy it isnt getting any bigger. This news to me was like a miricle .. or someone was answering all our prayers, because till now it worse and worse and more and more bad news.

    I will think of you all in my prayers too.

    Thank you all again, together we can help each other i hope.

    take care :)

  8. hi,

    my mum have stage 4 nsclc too, it has spread to her spine. she has been in pain and gone through alot but we are so determined to help her fight this for as long as we can. This time last month I was in pieces it was all so bleak, but today mum got results of a scan and it was a little bit of good news. Just try enjoy any good days you have with him. I will say my prayers for you. Keep writing into this forum, everyone has been so great and helpful and inspiring here. My mum was only diagnosed about 2 months ago so i know how hard it is.

    take care

  9. Mums pain seems to just get worse. She does still have good days and bad days though. She had a scan on Monday and we are getting the results tomorrow. At this stage I am prayer for a miricle from someone above. My poor mum I just feel so awful for her. why is life so awful to some people?

    Please anyone think of her in your prayers tonight.


  10. That is so awful, Im so sorry, because I know what you are going through. My mum is in the same position, we have a hospice nurse come out to my mum who is in alot of pain and the pain is getting worse. But we have told mum its going to be fine and we are looking into lots of alternative treatment and she is determined to fight. I would be horrified if a nurse said those awful things to my mum. They are supposed to be trained to speak to these people with tact.

    I hope your mum will be ok and she has alot of hope. My sisters and I as determined to fight this for my mum and make her better even though doctors may say otherwise.

    Take care and good luck

  11. Hi,

    Thanks for all your replies.

    Mum woke up with no pain today for the first time in about a week it was great, someone answering my prayers!

    Mum is on Lyrica 100mg at night and 25mg in morning, as it makes he very drowsy so give her less during day. she tried fennyl patches but the dosage needed to be changed more frequently and they said it would be easier to manage pain with the mst tablets because they have many different dosages. we have a pain team that come out to us and they are trying to get it under control as they say she shouldnt be in pain with all the medication they can give. mums pain has been so up and down that maybe its hard for them to get it sorted. but please god now it will get better soon.

    I am trying to get apiontment with onc to talk to him aobut radiation and whats going on. she has another scan in about 2 weeks or so, so that might tell us more about how the treatment is doing.

    thanks again

  12. Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. She has pain in bottom of back from the mets and then she has arm and shoulder pain, from tumor pressing on a nerve (so they say). Thats good to hear that the radiation helped your pain. Were you on alot of pain medication? Was your pain from the cancer on the bone?

  13. Well initially they had planned to do radiation, then they decided not to. They say they cant 'cure' it only control it. They are doing 3 rounds of chemo then rescanning to see whats happening. I think I will talk to the onc again and see when or if they plan to do it because today the pain was so bad she needs something to help.

  14. she is on mst continus tablets 70mg (Prolonged release Morphine Sulphate, opioid)and also difene, lyrica taken day and night. and sevredol for break through pain. Just been back to see her and she is bit better, but the mornings first things from 6am are awful and takes so long to get rid of the pain.

    thanks Susan for your post

  15. my mums pain is getting worse every day even though they are upping the dose of pain relief she is on (mst slow release) she is still at home. It is so awful to see her like this. I dont think the chemo is doing anything, execpt making her worse. The doctors arent very hopeful, they say the chemo is just to relieve symptoms but its doing nothing for her.There are some days she is good and we get out and about. But she has been waking up every morning with awful pain for the last few weeks. Can anyone help, I dont know what to do anymore.

    She was diagnosed NSCL cancer stage 4 in July this year.

  16. Hi Dr. West

    thanks for your reply. I willhave a look at the sight. The last thing i want to do is make mum worse so thanks for your advice. We are just grasping at straws because mum is getting worse and its just awful.

    thanks again


  17. Does anyone know anything about alternative treatments for cancer. I found a site http://www.cancerfightingstrategies.com/index.html

    and there is information on supplements like

    Pro C0q10, Oxy E, MSM, Zeolite.

    Has anyone tried these or know a good site to buy them on. I live in Ireland and they dont sell them over here. I have found them on sites in the US but I dont know what sites are legitimate or not.

    If anyone can help I would appriciate it so much.



  18. I joined here just about a month ago, as my mum was diagnosed with cancer. I was falling apart and still am to be honest. But this group has helped a bit, because people here can answer alot of questions that I had and they all offer so much great support.

    Take care and hope your grandad is ok


  19. Thanks John, yes will talk to the onc next monday because she is in for chemo then. They are doing 4-6 rounds then rescanning. so if anything was wrongly diagnosed it should show up differently next time. it was a pet scan they did a few weeks ago.

    please god they have something wrong!

    Will talk to them about surgery again. but the truth is the pain has made her very weak. She was misdiagnosed origionally and the pain got worse over months.

    thanks again

  20. Hi my mum was diagnosed about a month ago, but she had had pain for a while, probably 6 months. they did a pet scan and it showed up that it has spread to the spine (bottom).

    The information on the internet gives little hope. But we are determined to fight it with mum.

    I will look at your story.

    Thanks so much for your reply


  21. Yes you are so right. My mum doctor told her she was fine, even though she was in so much pain. They never told her to go for a ct scan and we regret it, if we had of things might not be as bad as they are now. she has a tumor that has spread. anyone who is worried about that sort of thing.. dont take a chance. Doctors know nothing half the time. I am very bitter about all this.

    hope your scan proves that everything is fine, and you can stop worrying


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