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Posts posted by JB

  1. Sorry to hear this Ned. I should have your story memorized, but I don't. Is this your first run at WBR? Col had a bunch of rounds after her tumor removal. She handled it very well, and we haven't had any issues in the brain since then. Which tells me it worked very well for her. I'm praying you get the same results.

  2. I've forwarded all the emails and post here concerning the lunch to the Vice President of Social Affairs. She should be getting back to someone sometime about something. My work here is done. Hope to see everyone soon.

  3. Deep breaths Ginny, deep breaths. Like Katie B said, I usually take the opportunity to explain to them that many people with lung cancer never smoked or had any risk factors whatsoever. Of course, and this is why you love me, somedays my irish temper is running a little hot and BANG, I lay into them with a what kind of insensitive A...hole asks that kind of a question. It's frustrating as heck.

    As for the number of friends and family who are affected by any cancer, I too am stunned. It seems as if every couple of months, someone I know gets diagnosed with some form of cancer or another. It's disheartening, and as unfortunate as this may sound, I'm no longer even shocked by it because it happens (as it seems to me) entirely too often to too many good people for no good reason.

    I guess what I'm saying is I'm with ya, and I understand. I hope that it all goes well for all of them...And if the newly diagnosed friend needs any encouragement, just show them Col's statistics. She had esstianlly the same dx.

  4. Sharon was a wonderful lady for sure. I had a terrible feeling that this is the news we would get, when I phoned her relative last week. I was saddened to hear that my fear was confirmed. I didn't have time to get the details on Saturday, but hopefully I can catch up with my contact and perhaps get more details into how everyone in Sharon's family has been doing.

  5. Randy I wish it was just to play hockey that I stayed up here, but it's work, and trying to remodel our bathroom, and a bunch of other stuff. But there has been quite a bit of hockey as well. Haven't gotten to skate outside yet, which is the best, but I'm at the rink at least two times a week in some form of a hockey game or another. Once Col gets back I'll see if there is a way to get you guys to see a clip of video of Jack playing.

    Kasey, I don't do the facebook thing, but I know Col does. She's probably her normal quiet self on there as well, so that's probably why you don't hear from her much. Hope things imporve for you and Fred.

  6. Just wanted to drop in and catch everyone up to speed. Somewhere around Thanksgiving, my work computer got all jumbled and I hadn't been able to log in or get a new password for some reason. Well, today it worked, so here I am.

    It's been a crazy few months. Starting back in October, Col has been in and out of the Hospital 3 or four times, for varying lengths of time and for varying reasons. Once myself and my neighbor (a nurse) thought she was having a stroke. Two days and 20 tests later, came back nothing. Nothin, really? Cause I saw something and it looked like it was bad. Turns out it didn't happen again, so who knows.

    Then she had her gall bladder out...Just for fun. Wasn't related to the cancer or the treatment or anything like that. Guess she just wanted a normal medical problem for once. That came out without a hitch, and there was no cancer found there...We had them check it just to be sure.

    Most recently there were the 5 days in the first week of January where her blood counts bottomed out and her magnesium and potassium were, as the Dr.s put it, dangerously low. So she spent 5 days, including her 35th birthday in the Hospital. She doing better now, and her and Jack are actually in Florida this week visiting my parents.

    So that's about it. Man, I gotta update Jack's picture he's a different little guy now.

    Hope all is well with everyone, hang in there, we'll all get through it together.

  7. I had the chance to watch it, since my Hockey days are switched now. I forgot how much I liked it...I keep thinking I should give it a try.

    That poor woman's story is about the saddest i have ever heard. It was just horrific that something like that could happen...I give her all the credit in the world for being so strong. Many people wouldn't be able to even come close to dealing with that. Heck when I heard it I even said, there's no way I bother sticking around here on earth if that happened to my family...I'll be rooting for her as well.

    She epitmizes strength and courage!

  8. Unfortunately, yes, there are others out here just like you guys...See my wife's chronology below. I'm sorry that this happened to you and your family.

    Where are you at in the process? Has the cancer been staged? Has a treatment plan been put in place? The more we know about where you are in the journey, the easier it is for us to help you.

    If you would feel more comfortable, feel free to PM me with any questions, concerns or fears that you may have.

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