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Posts posted by terrymac

  1. Went to see pulmonologist today. He said that he can usually tell what he is dealing with in 90% of his cases just by looking at the scan. In my case, he isn't sure.

    He thinks that no matter which option he chooses, whatever it is will need to come out so he has referred me to a thoracic surgeon. Won't see him for another week.

    I guess they biopsy during surgery and do whatever they have to do.

    That's all I know. Kinda frustrating.

  2. Well I had my MRI on Sunday night (actually Monday morning) at 1AM. I called my doctor to see what the results were and the radiologist indicated that he didn't believe that it was a fatty tumor (which I guess would have been a good thing) and it did not appear to be a cyst (which I also assume would have been a good thing). He was recommending a PET scan for further study of this 4 cm. tissue mass.

    I have already had a CT scan and an MRI and the pulmonologist wants to hold off until I see him tomorrow morning before ordering any more tests.

    It is really hard to get a read on what the suspicion might be from the MDs at this point. I guess they are reluctant to give any prognosis unless it is definitive. Apparently the only thing that is definitive is a biopsied tissue sample.

    I have a great appreciation for those who have had to play this waiting game.

    The only sign I've had besides the ongoing stomach issue is that my appetite is not very good and I continue to lose weight, though I try to keep the same daily caloric intake even if I'm not so hungry. I've dropped 19 pounds since late May and it continues to creep downward. This morning I was at my lowest weight since high school. Who knows, this could all be coincidental also so it just makes it more confusing.

    Thanks again for your concern and feedback.

  3. Wow! I've never posted in a medical forum before I am truly impressed and grateful for the response.This is obviously a caring community.

    I spoke to a doctor friend of mine who told me that the stomach and lung thing are likely unrelated. And when my stomach is acting up my appetite decreases which I guess is pretty normal. Thus ...weight loss. I'd just like to be dealing with one thing rather than two, if you know what I mean.

    First thing my doctor asked about was a chest x-ray. Hadn't had one that I could remember since 1999 but apparently there was nothing showing on the 1999 x-ray. Not very conversant in these matters but I guess seeing nothing in '99 and then having a 4 cm. mass show up in 2007 is significant.

    I'm scheduled for an MRI tomorrow night at a 24 hour MRI center. Appointment is at 1AM. How strange is that!? Hopefully, will see pulmonologist next week some time. Maybe I'm too dumb to be afraid but I'm really not. Expecting the best but very curious about the whole thing. All transpired over a 3 day period so it has kept me on my toes.

    Thanks again for the feedback and support. I'll post results when I get them.

  4. I have been having problems with a queasy stomach since the beginning of this year. Also shaky and weak when flareup occurs. Ended up having gall bladder removed but problem continued.

    Since surgery in May I have lost 20 pounds and have no appetite. Fatigue also an issue.

    So what does this have to do with lung cancer, you ask? My doctor sent me last week for CT scan after another stomach episode. No problem with abdomen but scan picked up a mass on my lung. Immediately was sent for another scan of the chest.

    Doc called this morning and there is a 4 cm. hard tissue mass in lower right lung. MRI was scheduled right away. Will have on Sunday.

    My question...Does anyone have any experience that might tie the ongoing stomach issues to what is going on in the lung? If these are two different things then I'm in for a confusing ride. I'm hoping they are related.

    Thoughts? Feedback?

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