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Posts posted by hope4life

  1. Even though you may be 36, I don't think it's ever easy for anyone to ever deal with, no matter what age. I am sorry you feel alone as you go through this terrible journey. I am 30 and I feel like both me and my mother are both too young to be dealing with this. This is a horrible, horrible (HORRIBLE...H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E) disease that never in a million years thought would happen to my mom (never smoker). It's ok to post on here as often as you need...that's what this forum is here for.

  2. My mom's oncologist is an ahole to put is kindly. He doesn't listen to a word I say or even like to answer any of my questions. He opens up his laptop and acts like he's never seen my mom before every time we walk in. My mom was diagnosed at age 59 with nsclc stage IIIA last Sept 2007. She did have surgery and adjunct chemo, but he did not recommend radiation. Just this week we found out she has 4 new nodules/growing lymph node that probably would have been detected earlier had he listened to my request for a CT scan every 3-4 months instead of every 6. My mom just doesn't want to switch because she fears hurting his feelings.

  3. Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've been on this board, maybe because deep down I'm hoping so badly that my mom's cancer was cured with the chemo.

    My mom was diagnosed in Aug 2007 with NSCLC adenocarcinoma Stage IIIA at age 60. She had her left upper lobe removed Sept 2007 followed by carbo/gemzar chemo. Her CT scan in April 2008 showed NED and her recent xray July 2008 showed no growth either. My concern is that my mother has had a dry cough ever since she had surgery last year which has been worsening as time goes on. She never had any coughing prior to surgery. My question is...is this a sign that it is coming back? She describes it as a feeling near her sternum, almost like a tickle, that makes her want to cough.

    Anyone out there have no cough prior to surgery then develop one afterwards? What (if not new growth) could be causing this?

    Thanks for your help and insight...it's truly appreciated!

  4. My mom had her left upper lobectomy almost 6 months ago in September 2007. She was 59 at diagnosis last September and has NSCLC adenocarcinoma stage IIIA. Only one non-enlarged lymph node was involved in the aortico-pulmonary window. She had 4 rounds of chemotherapy (carbo/gem) following the surgery and no radiation.

    My question is...she is still coughing and SOB after this many months. She tries to walk daily on the treadmill for 30 min, but she is soooo out of breath and turns so red! Her blood pressure has been high before the surgery and still is relatively high (140-50/90 or so). I thought the coughing and SOB would subside after this long.... How long did it take those of you who had a lobectomy to recover from the cough and SOB? Is this normal?

    Thanks again for all your input!

  5. Hi all,

    Mom just finished 4 cycles of chemo (carbo/gemzar) a few weeks ago. She has NSCLC adenocarcinoma stage IIIA after left upper lobectomy last September. Her oncologist only recommeded adjuvant chemo and no radiation. After reading many of your profiles, it seems that most if not all people with stage IIIA or above have also received radiation along with the chemo.

    Just wondering if anyone else out there also did not receive any radiation (or chose not to) and why your oncologist made this decision.

    Thanks in advance for your input!

  6. My mom is finishing up her 4 cycles of adjuvant chemo (carbo/gemzar) next week. She had no radiation. She has NSCLC stage IIIA s/p upper left lobectomy.

    The oncologist is recommending her next scan in 3 months in April, then every 6 months. I asked about more frequent scans to catch any possible cancer activity, but he laughed me off and told me that no scan is gonna improve her survival no matter what. He said scans more often than 6 months is pointless except for causing more unneccessary anxiety for my mom. I found him rude and insensitive, but mom is unwilling to change doctors.

    What has been your experience? Following the first round of chemo, how often did you have CT scans?

    Thanks again for your input!

  7. Hi, my mom had an upper left lobectomy in September 2007 (stage IIB before surgery, restaged IIIA after surgery). The good news is, she is doing well now. She still coughs some and gets short of breath pretty easily. She was in the ICU for 10 days and had 2 chest tubes. She had some difficulty with the lower left lobe sealing correctly and needed a pleurodesis procedure which fixed the problem right away. Mom was totally overmedicated though and constipated for 8 days (please don't let it go that long...the doctors wouldn't listen to us)! She really didn't complain of much pain at all at the surgery site, both following surgery and even when she got home. She did have pain in her left shoulder and pain/swelling of her left breast for a while. She still does have some discomfort in her left shoulder.

    Keep in mind, everyone is different! My mom is definitely doing ok!

  8. I feel compelled to respond as I feel we are in similar situations. I am also 29 and my mom is 60 and recently diagnosed with NSCLC. She is going through chemo right now. At first I felt as if my whole world had been snatched away from me. She is my closest confidant! How could this be right? Mom never even smoked!

    I am so sorry that you have been going through this, but you are not alone. There are others like you going through very similar situations and will stand beside you (via the internet). Have hope...and I will pray for you and your mom.

  9. This may sound really strange, but mom started chemo (carbo/gemzar) last week. One buttock is now really sore. Would this be a side effect from the chemo? Anyone else have this? She is not exercising vigorously so I do not think it's from any injury.

    Thanks for the help!

  10. So mom has started first dose of carbo/gemzar yesterday. She has actually been restaged to IIIA. So far she has no side effects or illness at all. She is anticipating that maybe the side effects will come in the next few days? Is this typical? Do most people get side effects early in the first day or so, or is there a few days delay?

    Thanks in advance!

  11. My mom is starting this exact regimen next week. First week carbo/gemzar, followed by gemzar alone, then free week for 4 cycles. This is her first time with chemo. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care and God bless as you start this new regimen.

  12. Error on mom's pathology report wasn't caught until yesterday even though mom had surgery mid September. She is now stage IIIA instead of IIB. MRI of brain has just been ordered yesterday to rule out brain mets. She has never had a bone scan or even had one recommended yet. When is a bone scan appropriate or recommended? Thanks again....

  13. After seeing a new oncologist, mom was restaged from IIB to IIIA (T2N2M0) after he read her pathology report post surgery (upper left lobectomy). Apparently whoever wrote the report neglected to notice that the one node that was positive for cancer was in the AP window #5, putting her at stage IIIA. For some reason the surgeon only removed 1 node from the AP window when the PET scan prior to surgery showed an uptake of 2.7 in the AP window. I tend to think the surgeon should have sampled a few more nodes, perhaps some on the right side as well.

    Anyhow, the oncologist is now recommending a weekly navelbine cisplatin regimen for the next 16 weeks.

    Has anyone gone through this regimen? If so, what side effects did you have? Mom is pretty depressed about this whole ordeal and today's upstaging scenario certainly didn't help. Any ideas are welcomed and will help me prepare to help her.

    Thanks so much everyone!

  14. I watched that Oprah show and felt truly inspired by the guest's ability to stay so positive. I wish I could somehow infuse such positivity into my mom (she is very depressed since diagnosis). My mom was diagnosed with NSCLC adenocarcinoma stage IIB in early September, 2007. Today she was upstaged by her new oncologist to IIIA due to the pathogist's error interpreting the post surgical findings :( . When people ask me if my mom smoked, I do feel kinda annoyed....that is because my mom has NEVER smoked and nothing could make her even try it! Then 99% of the time they say...."well then she must have been exposed to second-hand." Again, I have to say noooo... I try to use these questions to educate them that 10-15% of people diagnosed with lung cancer never smoked and they are usually so shocked.

  15. Hi all...I'm new on this forum. I'm so glad to have found this site. Everyone seems so helpful and supportive!

    Anyone out there go through chemo and also have Hep B (or C)? I know there are special considerations for this group as chemo is stressful on the liver and can cause dormant Hep B to become active, putting the liver at risk.

    If this is you (or you know someone), what chemo regimen was recommended? Mom was exposed to Hep B at birth and will be starting adjuvant chemo soon. I'm afraid this will jeopardize her liver and am wondering if there are combinations of chemo out there that are less toxic on the liver than others.

    Any info is much appreciated...thanks in advance.

  16. My mom is getting ready for chemo (5 weeks post lobectomy now, stage IIB adenocarcinoma). Wondering if there is anyone out there who has gone through carboplatin/gemzar chemo combo. If so, how did you feel during the treatment and what side effects did you have? Please be honest as possible...I want to be ready.

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