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Posts posted by MegP

  1. Hello everyone,

    The news is sarcoidosis. Since he isn't symptomatic - the doctors wants to watch him and do follow up CT scans in the future. Does this sound customary - based on the circumstances? We are very relieved and I wanted to thank everyone for your support. My prayers are with each and every one of you. Thanks again

  2. Well, what a difference a day makes. Finally, I got some real information from my brother. They aren't doing a medial stenectomy. When he had his PET scan not only did the one nodule show "hot" but so did the lymph nodes near his groin. They are going into the groin tomorrow(Fri)to biopsy the lymphs. They think it may be sarcoidosis (not sure of the spelling)I will keep you posted. Thanks again.

  3. His nodule is 4mm (it was a typo). He has an appointment with surgeon today. Will know later when they are doing the biopsy. The nodule is in the upper lobe. They said they will need to do a biopsy going in the neck and down with scope. I should know more tonight. Will keep you posted. Thanks for all the advise.

  4. Hello everyone - my brother just got the news from the oncologist that they want to do a biopsy (the PET revealed a 4cm nodule/mass) Is this the appropiate action once the PET has been completed? Also, will they remove the mass when they biopsy? I know everyones story is different, we just would like to be somewhat prepared. Thanks again for all your advise.

  5. My brother was just told he has "many" nodules on his lungs. He has a PET scan scheduled for 2/15 and an appt with oncologist on 2/13. His doctors are scrambling to get his appts quickly. This is scaring us. He is 38 yrs old and has smoked occasionally. Any advise on what to expect would be greatly appreciated. This is so new to us and I need as much info as possible. Thanks

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